HCA 13/68 f.93r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.93r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deponent and assureing him That upon the delivery therof the said Shipp
the ffaith her Tasckle and furniture should be restored to him according
to the said Mr delabarr his order in pursuance and confidence whereof
he this deponent did goe [?XXXX] to darmouth where the said shipp then
Lay and did require the said shipp and her ffurniture [?XXX] the hands of the
partyes whoe were [?XXXX] by the said Mr delabarr for the delivery
thereof but sayeth that one Walter [?Jago] and Mr Hynde the said Mr delabars
agents and some others did deteyne and witholde the said shipp and refused
to deliver her or her tackle and furniture unless he this deponent would
give a receipt under the hand That he had received the said shipp and goods
in the same condition they were taken without any imbeazelment But this
Deponent understanding That there were severall good and divers [?partes]
of the said shipps tackle and furniture which were taken out of the said shipp
since her seizure predeposed did refuse to give any such discharge as is
arlate And otherwise saveing his former depositions had and made in
this Court whereunto he referreth himselfe as aforesaid he cannot
Depose saveing that he for his part did proffer to five [?XXXXXXXXXXXXXX] a receipt for the said shipp
and such goods incase he did or should receive them [?XXXX] onely
such things as did visibly appeare to be ....


the said shipp was and is a vessell of the burthen of about three hundred
Tonnes and was worth to be imployed with her lading att the rate of 120 li per moneth
and according to that proportionatie that the owners of the said shipp were
and are damnified by the