HCA 13/68 f.79r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.79r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the eight article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the arlate shipps the
Brewer Claus Reton Master King David Witte Witteson Master and Saint Anthony
Zachary Mielde Master doe all belong to the Port of Hamburgh and came out
of the Elve in Company of the rest of the ffleet and he hath credibly heard and
verily beleiveth that all the Owners of the sayd shipps were and are Hamburghers
and that the sayd shipps are now employed for the Accompt of Hamburghers
and that noe subiect of the States of the United Provinces had or hath
any share or interest therein, or in any of them. And further cannot depose
saving he saith, It is very usuall for Hamburghers and Lubeckers to buy
and build shippes for their owne use and Accompt in Holland.

To the nynth article he saith he knoweth well the arlate Jaques Martin
who is as he saith an Inhabitant of Hamburgh and hath his howse
there, and hath had his wife there, who is since dead and saith
he speakes good dutch and french, and this deponent hath knowne him
an Inhabitant of Hamburgh about 11. or 12 yeares. and otherwise
cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1. he saith he is master of the Mercury and so hath bene from the
11th of August last and came first aboard att Hamburgh and was in her
att the tyme of seizure:

To the 2. he saith that the Owners of the sayd shipp the Mercury are all
Hamburghers and subiects of the free state of Hamburgh and there have
lived all their tymes, and their names shares and dwellings are as
followeth. videlicet John Baptista Younker. of 1/8 part thereof. Adrian Yonker of
1/8th part. Bartall Beakman of 1/8th part. Anne da Greave of 4/8 parts and 1/16
part. and this deponent of 1/16 part. and are all of them inhabitants and
dwellers in Hamburgh as aforesayd: And saith the sayd Adrian Yonker is
owner of 1/2 of the Hope Hendrick Martin Master and Dirick Dubbler and
Michell Huise and sayd Skipper Hendrick Martin are likewise partowners of
the sayd shipp Hope. and the sayd Adrian Yonker Dirrick Dubbler and Berent
Vordunke and Jan Martinsdorp Master of the Saint George one of the 3 Sylver
ships are Owners of the fortune Berent Vordunke master./ and saith
that Welconz Vreda is one of the Owners of the Saint Anthony Zachary Mielde
Master and Jorez Luyders part owner of the Brewer Claus vom Roton Master, and Albert Meyer
is one of the Owners of the Saint Mathias Claes Billiot Master And saith the Owners
and Skippers of all the sayd shippes now declared are Hamburghers subiects
of the free State of Hamburgh and there have lived all their tymes
And further cannot depose.

To the .3. he saith he hath knowne the sayd shipp Mercury from August last. the Hope Hendrick
Martins Master .7 or 8 yeares. the fortune aforesayd Bernard von Dunke Master .5 or 6.
yeares the Carpe fanger aforesayd 18 monethes. the sayd Prophet Elias 2 yeares
the King David Jacob Young Master 12 yeares. the Saint Mathias aforesayd 3. monethes. the Brewer
aforesayd .12 monethes. King David Witte Witteson Master .3 monethes. the sayd Anthony
aforesayd 3 monethes the fflora aforesayd .3 monethes. the fortune Hans
Clauson Master 5 yeares. The Hope Jan Peterson Master. 3 monethes. the fortune
Joachim Dowke Master. 12 monethes: the fortune of Stralsundt 2 monethes: the Hope of
Lubeck and Gedern Starr and Salvador aforesayd from October last past. And saith
he this deponent and the Owners of the Mercury aforesayd
did: 11. August last att Hamburgh buy the sayd shipp of Jacob Dirrickson
for 4440 Ryxdollars which moneyes hee did see payd to the sayd Dirrickson by
the Officers of the Banke in Hamburgh by order from the sayd owners for the sayd shipp
and this deponent saw the sayd dirickson signe and make an Acquittance
to the sayd owners in full discharge of the sayd summe of 4440. Ryxdollars and othewise hee
cannot depose.