HCA 13/68 f.691r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.691r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 27th day of ffebruary 1653.

The Clayme of Thomas Mills and}
others of Portsmouth for the shipp}
called the Amity of which John}
Duvall is Master formerly}
called the Martin and her}
tackle and furniture and the}
goods in the same being wynes}
Iron potts and bottles lately seized}
in the shipp the Amity att or neere}
Portsmouth Suckly Budd}


Suckly dt.

John Duval of Newhaven in ffrance Mariner
Master of the sayd shipp the Amity aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the 5 article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that i or about
the moneth of June last past this deponent arrived in ffrance from
the West Indies where he had bene for 16 monethes or thereabouts
next before, and arrived at Nantes in ffrance and there continued
till october last past and about the latter end of october or beginning
of November last past came overland from Nantes to Newhaven
and then and there found the sayd shipp the Amity laden and ready to sett
sayle. And saith that the arlate Beniamin Duvall did then putt
and appoynt him this deponent being the arlate John Du Vall Master of
the sayd vessell, and have him charge of the same but did not
declare or discover to this deponent or any of his Company so farr as
he knoweth that the sayd Mr mills or any English men had any Interest
in the lading of the sayd shipp But saith that the bill of lading for the sayd lading was made
in the names of himselfe the sayd Beniamin du Vall and Nicholas Pellitier
and Jacob le [?Bargh]. by reason whereof this deponent did conceyve
that the sayd lading did belong to the sayd Duvall. Pellitier and le Bargh
howbeit he saith by vertue that the sayd wines and goods were theirs but by the sayd
bill of lading, And saith that he was examined att Portsmouth
and then declared that he did not know for whose accompt the sayd
wynes or goods were otherwise than by the sayd bill of lading
but aving but an imperfect understanding of the English language
he knoweth not what was there putt downe in his examination And
otherwise cannot depose.