HCA 13/68 f.676r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.676r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 1st Interrogatory he saith that he doth very well knowe the shipp
the ffortune Interrate and so hath done for theis 12 monethes now
last past, for and during all which tyme she hath belonged
and now doth belong to the Port of Boristhernesse in Scotland
two miles from Lithgow, And saith that George Mayne
and George Ball of Lithgow and this deponent all Scotchmen
and subiects of this Commonswealth were and are the true and
lawfull owners thereof and so have bene for about a yeare
now past which he knoweth for that they bought the same of and
from Mr Cheisly and Mr Barklet merchants of Edinburgh
the former Owners thereof, And further cannot depose not
knowing where the sayd shipp was built.

To the 2. he saith that the lading of the sayd shipp is sope tufted
hollands druggs and onion seades, which were laden in
the sayd shipp for accompt of George Ball of Lithgow
and one Mr Ball of Glasgow, and one other of Lithgow
whose name he remembreth not and him this deponent, to
be transported to Leith of Scotland. And saith that the sayd
vessell was seized upon the open seas by the Interrate [?Mole]
and was when she was so seized bound to Leith aforesayd
And otherwise he cannot depose

[?Markus] [?Modt] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The sixteenth day of March 1653.

The Clayme of Danyel Skinner}
of dover for thirty five tonnes}
of wyne in the Usedome of which}
Pasque Alberts is Master lately seized}
by some of the shipps of this}
Commonwealth Suckly Budd.}


Pasqual Albrechts of Stockholme in
Swethland Mariner Master of the sayd shipp
the Usedome aged 33 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth
and saith as followeth videlicet.

To the 1st article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that for theis 16
monethes last past he hath well knowne the arlate Danel Skinner
for and during all which tyme, and for severall yeares before
as the arlate John Vanpalle did acquaint this deponent att
Burdeaux he the sayd producent hath bene and is a great trader
to ffrance for wynes and other goods having severall effects in
the hands of the sayd Vanpalle who was and is the factor of the sayd
Skinner and sent about a yeare agoe 60 barrells of herrings for his owne accompt [###]

[###] To the sayd Jan Van
[?dadd] by him tisdeponent who did
deliver the same
to teh sayd Van Pulle
for like accompt.

which Vanpulle is a fflandrian borne and formerly
lived with his wife att Antwerpe where thsi deponent first [?cause]
came to know him about 7 or 8 yeares agoe and saith he now
resides att Burdeaux as a factor and merchant stranger
for and as such the sayd persons were and are commonly
accounted reputed and taken. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 2d article of the sayd allegation and the three schedules therein
mentioned annexd to the sayd allegation and now shewed to and perused by
him, he saith an deposeth that one of the sayd schedules being a bill
of lading was and is one of the originall bills of lading for