HCA 13/68 f.655v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.655v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 1 article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That in or about the
moneth of August last past the arlate Dirrick de Dobeler Jurian
Vlkins Rodolph Berenbergh and others all merchants of Hamburgh
did freight the sayd shipp the Saint Anthony to goe from Hamburgh to
Burdeaux to lade wines and other goods for their accompts and
to returne againe to Hamburgh with the same and saith that the
sayd vessell in her outwards voyage was taken by the Elizabeth
frigot in the service of this Commonwealth amongst the ffleet of
Empty Hamburgh vessells that were taken about Michaelmas last
past, and was afterwards Cleared by order of the right honourable
the Counsell of State which hee knoweth being Master of the saud shipp
And otherwise cannot depose

To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that by the letters
and writings found on board the sayd shipp at the tyme of her seizure
in her outward voyage that the sayd Dirick de Dobler and others of
Hamburgh had by their letters given order for the lading of the
sayd shipp with wynes and prunes for accompt of the sayd Dirick
de Dobler and others of Hamburgh, and that the sayd shipp was to
returne with the same to Hamburgh (as in truth she was and is) and
to noe other port or place. And saith that the sayd Dirick de Dobler
Jurian Vlikins and others the sayd merchants of Hamburgh did
remitt moneyes by bills of exchange from Hamburgh to ffrance
for the moor doing and payeing for the sayd wynes and prunes to be
laden on board the sayd shipp before this deponent came from
Hamburgh, and somuch the sayd Dirrick de Dobler and
sayd Vlkyn did acquaint this deponent att Hamburgh. and he this
deponent after his arrivall in ffrance did see the sayd bills of exchange
in the hands of severall merchants att Bordeaux, who did acknowledge
that they received the same from the producents to and for the purpose
aforesayd. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 3th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the wines and prunes
now seized doe really and truly belong to the sayd Dirick de Dobler and
others merchants Inhabitants of Hamburgh and to noe other persons
they being provided and laden for their accompt onely. And saith
that the Laders of the sayd wynes. videlicet Jasper Pell. the widow of
Abraham Bracooner John Wilkens or Willemson, Sekall [?CornXXXX]
and Company and John Van Palle were and are factors residing
att Burdeaux doeing busines for Hamburgh merchants and the
rest of the sayd Laders fflandrians and Brabanters about Antwerp
and so accounted. And saith that the arlate Derick de Dobeler Jurian
Vlkins and others the partyes to whoom the sayd goods are consigned
are merchants dwelling in Hamburgh that frequently [?travel ?to]
ffrance for ffrench wynes and other goods for their owne accompts
which he knoweth being a Burgher of Hamburgh and a Mariner
and being ymployed by them hath well observed their trade and [?dwelling]
And otherwise cannot depose
