HCA 13/68 f.633r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.633r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 10th and 11th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that the arlate John Haynes
went principall master in and aboard the sayd shipp this voyage
and as principall master of her did att Brest before the sayd
shipp departed from thence in the presence and sight of this deponent
s8igne and firme a bill of lading for teh sayd salt which bill
of lading was on board the sayd shipp att the tyme of seizure
and is now in the Registry of this Court ad is the very bill of lading now shewne him and further referringe
himselfe to the sayd bill of lading he cannot depose, saving
that the sayd salt att the tyme of the departure of the sayd shipp from
Breste and before and att the tyme of the seizure and since did
and doth really belong to the sayd John Waade Godscull and Company


To the 12th articel of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that so farr as
he knoweth beleiveth or hath heard the arlate Moansiuer de Boris
had not nor hath not any Interest at all in the sayd shipp or her lading
of salt or any part thereof (1/13 part of 2 tonnes of white salt
and 1/3 part of one butt of vinegar excepted) neither did he signe
any bill of lading for any part of the goods laden on board the
sayd shipp nor was he the cheife master of the sayd shipp the voyage
wherein she was taken which he knoweth being Sopra cargo of
the sayd lading and further cannot depose.

To the 13. and 14th he saith he cannot depose of his knowledge
but beleiveth it to be very probable that the sayd Mounsieur de Boys
and the ffrench Mariners on board the sayd shipp were made use of
by the sayd Waade and Company for preserving of the sayd shipp and salt
from seizure by the ffrench and Hollands men of warr. And
further cannot depose.

To the 15th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the arlate
shipp the Ann with her sayd lading of salt in her did under the
Command of the sayd John Haynes as Master (this deponent and sayd
Nowell coming along in her as Cape merchants) sett sayle from
Brest about the 27th day of November last past 1653. for the
Port of Waterford in Ireland and in her Course thitherwards
the sayd shipp and her sayd lading of salt were taken and surprized
by Captaine Barltet and Company in the shipp Hopewell arlate
and brought to ffoy this deponent being present aboard her
att the tyme of seizure. And otherwise he cannot depose
