HCA 13/68 f.631v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 631 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0822.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/06/08 |
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15 li. And the Mariners of the sayd shipp being 26 persons had
on board the sayd shipp an Adventure of goods bought and laden by
them for their owne accompt of the value of 320 sterling or
thereabouts. and their Cloathes and bedding aboard the sayd shipp
were well worth 120 li or thereabouts. and the Chyrurgeons
Chest and Instruments were worth 11 li and upwards And
saith the sayd shipp was bound for London here to deliver the goods
aforesayd according to the respective accompts aforesayd. And further
he cannot depose.
Tpo the fourth he saiththe sayd shipp was a strong and firme shipp
of the burthen of 350 tonnes and upwards and had 20 gunnes
and furniture and munition proportionable and was with
her gunnes and furniture well worth in the Judgement of
this deponent 2900 li sterling or thereabouts. And otherwise
he cannot depose.
and in losse of her imployment
120 li per moneth thereabouts over and esides losses of tyme
of the master and Company of the sayd shipp, wherein this deponent
inhis owne paricular losse of imployment by meanes of the
sayd detetion and seizure hath suffered dammage to the
value of 30 li sterling att the least. And otherwise hee
cannot depose
The sixteenth day of ffebruary 1653.
Stephens and Company against the}
shipp the Ann whereof John Haynes}
is Master and against John Wade}
Henry Godscall and Company}
comeing in for their Interest}
Smith ffranklyn}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd John Wade and Companie
Benjamin Arundell of ffalmouth
merchant aged thirty yeares or
therabouts a witnes sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet
To the furst and 2d articles of tehs ayd allegation This deponent saith that in the moneth
of October last past 1653 the arlate Giles Burdean (sometymes
called by the name of Giles ffountaine Burdeaux) being the
reputed lawfull owner of the arlate ship the Ann and her
lading of salt being about 350 tonns of salt did [?XXX]