HCA 13/68 f.630r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.630r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


his youth he the sayd Samuell and this deponent having bene schoole
fellowes together in one and the same School in their youth att
Amsterdam where this deponent hath lived for the greatest part of his life. And saith that the sayd Samuel was then att Amsterdam
and in the said Schoole commonly accounted to the naturall and lawfull
sone of Samuel Palache then lately dead Ambassador of the
King of Morocco and that the sayd Samuel was borne during that
Embassy. And saith the said Samuels father being then dead
the Grandfather of the sayd Samuel by the mother succeeded in the
said Embassy and after his death david the brother of the sayd
Grandfather did likewise succeeded him in the same Embassy and
for and as an Ambassador of the said King of Morocco was of
this deponents observacion in Holland commonly accounted and esteemed
And further the sayd Palaches were all commonly accounted
subiects of the said King of Morocco as likewise was and is the
said Samuel party in this Cause who about 10 or 12 yeares agoe of in this deponents knowledge
went with his mother from Amsterdam into Morocco and is
since as this deponent hath credibly heard intrusted with some
publiq Embassy or Agency to the King of denmarke, and hath
for about a yeare resided att Hamburgh having as this
deponent hath likewise heard drawne his estate or goods part
thereof from Amsterdam to Hamburgh. And further he
cannot deposeth

To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the arlate
Samuel Palache was and is named also Jacob Carolus, And saith
that Jacob Carolus and Samuel Palache was and is one and the
same person and not divers, and that he is called and known by the
name of Samuel Palache alias Jacob Carlus which he saith was
and is usuall among the Jewes [XXX] the use of a another name [XXX] their [XXX] for preserving of their goods in such
places where that people is proscribed from trade and commerce
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1 he saith the said Samuel Palache was by repute borne att the
Hague in Holland and his father and mother were Jewes of
Morocco which his mother was well know to this Respondent as likewise
his sayd grandfather and uncle but his father this Respondent
knew not he dying in this deponents infancy and soone after
the birth of the sayd Samuel for which cause his sonn was
called by his name, a matter not usuall among the Jewes as
in the youth of the said Samuel this Respondent heard. And
otherwise he cannot depos

To the 2nd he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

[signed:] Salemon Franco


The fifteenth day of ffebruary 1653

On the behalf of the Anthony Woolward }
and Company Owners of the shipp the }
Elizabeth and Mary of London whereof }
the sayd Anothony Wollwoard was Master being }
[XXX] and Laders of the sayd shipp }
[XXX] part thereof which shipp and lading }
was seized by the King of denmarke }
[XXX] his Ministers within that Kingdome }
Clemente }

Examined upon an allegation on the behalf
of the Owners of the said Shipp

Anthony Wollward of Harwich in the County of
Essex Mariner late Master of the sayd shipp the Elizabeth
and Mary aged 54 yeares of thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
followeth videlicet