HCA 13/68 f.629r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 629 |
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Brodie Waddell | |
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2015/08/02 |
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to the 2 Interrogatory he saith he was att sea with the said Pibus in the Mary
and saw the sayd Pibus take the dutch vessell and goods aforesaid
and saith he so tooke the same upon the Coast of Shetland about the latter
end of August last past and the Skipper of the said dutch shipp did say
in this deponents hearing that his shipp and goods were borne for
Holland but this Respondent heard him not name any particular port
and this deponent saw the said Pibus by the assissances of his Company
upon the day of her seizeure about the latter end of August in the tyme
he otherwise remembereth not, and about 8 of the Clock of the
evening of the same day, thirty Rolls of Tobacco one vessell
of fatt of Indico and 2 parrotts: and further not remembering
the day of the weeke when the premises happened nor knoweing of
the selling of all or any of the said goods he saith he cannot depose
John [MARK] Wilmar
his mark
The fifteenth day of ffebruary 1653
The cleryance of Samuell Palache alias }
Jacob Carlus merchant of haburgh }
for his goods and Jewells in the }
shipp the Prophet Eliias whereof }
Simon [C??ison] Prophiet is master taken }
by the same of the Parliament Shipps }
Smith Budd }
Examined upon an allegation on the behalf
of the sayd Claymer
Abraham Israel Ben Atquino
of Rohan in Normandy doctor of Phisick
aged 65 yeares or thereabout a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
followeth viz.
To the 1. 2. and 3d articles he saith he cannot depose.
To the 4th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That he knoweth
well the arlate Samuel Palache otherwise Jacob Carolus and
so hath done from the very Infancy of him the sayd Samuel And
allso well knew the father grandfather and uncle of him the
sayd Samuel in the tyme and tymes of their respective lives
And saith that the arlate Samuel party in this cause was and is a
Subiect of the King of Morocco and so accounted And his father
whose name was likewise Samuel whilest he lived was a subiect
of the sayd King and was for many yeares untill the tyme of his
death imployed by the sayd Kinge as his Ambassador or Agent
for him to the States of the united Provinces where this deponent
saw him in the said office and dignity of such an Abassador and so there
received and accounted, and that he dyed in Holland in that Embassy
And saith that in the life tyme of the sayd Samuel the father and during
his sayd Embassy the arlate Samuel the son now party in this cause
was borne in Holland where this deponent saw him an infant And
further saith that after the death of the sayd Samuel the father the
arlate Abraham Palache the grandfather by marriage of the sayd
Samuel did succeed in the foresaid Embassy in Holland
and there dyed and was buryed with great solemnity as an
Ambassador and publiq person the Prince of Orange and the Lords
of the States of Holland accompanying his funerals thereat he this deponent