HCA 13/68 f.626r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 626 |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0811.JPG | |
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Jo Pugh | |
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2015/11/28 | |
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Edited on 29/11/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The [11]th day of ffebruary 1653.
A [busines] of Examination of witnesses}
on the part and behalfe of Samuell Raymond}
and Company owners of the shipp the}
James whereof the sayd Samuell Raimond}
was master being onwers and laders of}
the sayd shipp or a great part thereof}
which shipp and lading was seized}
of the King of Denmarke or his}
Ministers with in the Kingdome}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of
the sayd [Samuel] Raymonds and Company
[?XXXX] dt.
Samuel Raymond of Ipswich in the County of
Suffolk Mariner master of the sayd shipp the
James aged 37 yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne and examined deposeth and saith and affirmeth
To the first article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that in May June
July August September October November December January
and February 1652. and ever sithence this deponent
Major [Swalinge] Jeremy [Cole] ffrancis Searbey and others all
English men were and att present ought to be the true and lawfull
owners of the sayd shipp the James her tackle apparell and furniture
and so accounted which he knoweth for that the sayd owners did in the
yeare 1651 and beginning of the yeares 1652 build the sayd
shipp att their owne charges and for theier owne use and accompt att
Ipswich and saith that in the monthes aforesayd he this deponent was
Master and Commaunder of the sayd shipp and so accounted And otherwise
he saith he cannot depose.
To the 2nd and 3rd articles of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that in the month
of May aforesayd 1652 the sayd shipp being ymployed upon a
voyage into the Baltique Sea for Eastland [commodities] to [retiurne] with
the same for this Port of London did putt sayle from Ipswich upon the
sayd voyage about the seventh day of the sayd moneth of May and did
towards the latter end of the sayd month under the conduct of this deponent
arrive safely att Dantzick and in the beginning of [June] this
next ensueing att Quinsborough to, and there this deponent did
buy and lade aboard the sayd shipp for his owne Accompt the severall
kinds and quantityes of goods here afforementioned which were were worth
and would have yeilded in England att an ordinary markett the
respective summes or prices hereafter particularly set forth that
is to say 2400 Ells of Henderlands Linnen. worth 80. listerling
75 peices of Pouldavies att 20 s a peices worth 78 li sterling. six [?stuck]
of 4 foot Clapboard of the value of 40 li sterling. 60 [deales] 24 feet
long and 2 Inches thick att 4 s per [deale] worth 12 li sterling. four
keggs of sturgeon att 22 s per kegg worth 4 li. 70 dozen of trenchers
at 60 the dozen worth 2 li 20 s: and this deponent had apparell and
necessaries of his owne on board the sayd shipp well worth 20 li sterling att
the least. And the shipps company of the sayd shipp being 12 men and a
boy had apparell and necessaries on board the said shipp of the
value of 100. li sterling. And saith the sayd mariners had on board
the sayd shipp for their owne accompt and adventure goods and
merhandises of the value of 348 li, 10 s sterling. All which goods wares
and merchandises were att or neere Quinsborough laden and
putt on board the said shipp to be therein transported to this Port of London
and there disposed of to and for the sole use benefitt and posession
of this deponent and his shipps company according to their respective
Interrogatories therein as aforesayd, which goods were all laden in