HCA 13/68 f.618v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.618v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2. 3. and 4th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that the arlate James
Pinquett being about the moneth of October 1652 sick att his house
in Antwerpe this deponent went to visit him and then amongst
other discourse talking of his affaires he acquainted this deponent
that he was to send a great Adventure of linnens from Rohan to
Cadiz and thereupon shewed this deponent severall letters from
Jacques ffermanel (who was and is the factor of the sayd producent att Rohan and
a Correspondent of this deponent) wherein the sayd ffermanel did
advise that according to the sayd Pinquets order he the sayd ffermanel
had bought and provided severall great quantities of linnens and
that he was a making them ready for packing to be with
the first convenient shipping sent to Cadiz for his the [?sayd]
producents accompt, and that he would as he was ordered draw
bills of exchange upon the sayd James Pinquett payeable att
Antwerpe for the paying for and satisfying the sayd linnens
and afterwards this deponent did see letters in the hands of the
sayd producent written by the sayd ffermanel wherein was certifyed
that the said ffermanel had drawne bills of exchange for the
sayd linnens upon the sayd Pincquet, who told this deponent that
he had accepted the same and would pay the same upon the
dayes in them limited; And this deponent hath audibly heard
that the sayd bills of exchange were satisfyed by the sayd James Pincquet
about the month of December 1652 videlicet about 2 monthes
after this deponent had seene the sayd letters of advise from
ffermanel as aforesayd. And further he cannot depose.

To the 5. and 6. articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in or
about the month of May last past being here in London he did
receyve a letter of advise from Juan Henricques de Messa (a
Correspondent of this deponent and likewise of the producent)
dated from Cadiz wherein the sayd Henricques did certify thi
deponent that whereas a great parcell of linnens had bene sent
to him from Fouane upon accompt of the sayd James Pincquet of Antwerpe
in the shipp Nightingale Henricques Glassoghen master Captaine
Badily Commander of an English Squadron of shipps had come into
the Bay of Cadiz in March 1653, whilest the sayd shipp was a delivering
of her lading, and that he the sayd Baddily had taken out of the
sayd shipp Nightingale into his English shippes 13 bales of linnen
marked S and numbred .129. 141. 153. 173. 182. 302. 315.
318. 310. 324. R. V. X. all belonging to the sayd James Pincquet
and thereupon desired this deponent upon the arrivall of Captaine
Badily in England to make an enquiry after the sayd bales on the
behalfe of the producent. which this deponent (not long after
likewise receyving letters if advise from the sayd James Pincquet
dated from Antwerpe to the same effect) accordingly did, and [?found]
in the Custody of the Commissioners for prize goods here in London amongst
other goods that had bene delivered to them out of Captaine Badilys
shippe 13. bales of linnen marked and numbred as aforesayd whereof
as this deponent beleiveth thesayd James Pincquet att the tyme of their
such surprizall was and still is the true and lawfull Owner And further
cannot depose



Jacques Fermanel - Rouen merchant; factor of Antwerp merchant Jacques Pincquet and correspondent of Antwerp merchant George Bosschaert

There are five letters from Jean-Baptiste Colbert addressed to Jacques Fermanel, dated 1660-1671

Lettre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Jacques Fermanel (négociant à Rouen) datée du 23 août 1669 (1863, Correspondance)

Lettre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Jacques Fermanel (négociant à Rouen) datée du 10 janvier 1670, à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1863, Correspondance)

Lettre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Jacques Fermanel (négociant à Rouen) datée du 23 janvier 1670, à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1863, Correspondance)

Lettre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Jacques Fermanel (négociant à Rouen) datée du 28 février 1670 (1863, Correspondance)

Lettre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert (secrétaire d'Etat de la Marine et de la Maison du roi) à Jacques Fermanel (négociant à Rouen) datée du 12 juin 1671 (1863, Correspondance)