HCA 13/68 f.594r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.594r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



[?In] the behalfe of Elizabeth [?Pett] he}}
[?] and [?ExXX] Case he last with and [?]}
[?] Peter Pett deceased against the shipp}
the [?so] hereof Edward Thompson was}
[?paid] against Maurice Thompson] and}
[?] [?Budd] Smith}

The sixth day of March 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon a Libell on the behalf
of the sayd Elizabeth Pett.

William Hayward of Ratcliffe Shipwright
aged 24 yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as
following videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd Libell this deponent saith that the arlate Edward Thompson in the yeare
1648 and monethes therein respectively and especially in September
October November December January ffebruary and March 1648
and before and since was Master Captaine or Commaunder of the sayd
shipp the Ruth which he knoweth because he saw the sayd Thompson
in possession of the sayd shipp as Master and knoweth that during all the
sayd tyme he the sayd Thompson had the management of the
sayd Shipp for and as Master and for and as such the sayd Edward
for all the sayd tyme was and is accounted. And otherwise he cannot

To the second article of the sayd allegation or Libell this deponent saith that
in the yeare and monethes aforesayd the arlate [?Pather] Pett was
the true and lawfull Owner and Posesser of all and singular the
goods wares materialls and provisions mentioned in a Schedule to
the sayd Libell annexed and now shewne him and perused by him
which he knoweth for that he was during all the sayd tyme
Apprentice and booke keep to the sayd Peter Pett, and hath
faithfully extracted the sayd schedule which is [?nhally] [?writt] with
this deponents hande out of the sayd Peter Petts bookes of accompts
now in the possession of the sayd Elizabeth the [?] his [?Relict] and
[?Extrip]. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd Libell this deponent saith that within the
tyme aforesayd and especially in the moneth of September 1648. the
foresayd shipp the Ruth did stand in need of repairing and thereupon
the sayd Peter Pett att the desire and reqwest of the sayd Edward
Thompson and by and with the privity and Consent of the arlate
Maurice Thompson and others owners of the sayd shipp (which sayd
Maurice Thompson did of this deponents sight often come and see
the repairing of the sayd shipp.) did deliver to the sayd Edward
Thompson and such as he appoynted to receyve the same all and
singular the goods wares materialls and provisions mentioned in
the foresayd schedule, and the same were all delivered aboard the
sayd shipp Ruth and wrought and incorporated into her for her
need full repair and fitting her for a voyage in the monethes
above named by this deponent and other workemen and Artificers
employed in and for the doeing of the sayd worke. And otherwise
he cannot depose.

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that all and singular
the goods wares materialls and provisions in the sayd schedule
mentioned were att the tyme of their being so wrought into and upon
the sayd shipp work the severall and respective values in the sayd
Schedule severally and respectively mentioned, which he knoweth for



Edward Thompson
Maurice Thompson
Peter Pett
Elizabeth Pett

William Hayward



