HCA 13/68 f.589v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.589v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The tenth day of ffebruary 1653.

Examined upon the sayd allegation

dt ffor and G. vandepost.


Captaine Roger Garland of Stepney in the County of
Middlesex Mariner aged fifty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth. videlicet.

To the 18th article of the sayd allegation he saith that he this deponent
hath bene a sea faring man upward of thirty yeares and for
all that tyme he hath observed that it hath bene and stille
continueth to be the practise of Pyrates and searovers to
carry in their shipps severall Colors of different Princes and
States and to weare them and charge them upon occasion
for the advantage of their designe of seizing and [?desposing]
of trading shipps, sometymes putting out the Colors of the
trading shipps they meet with an sometymes the Colors
of the freinds of such trading shipps, and saith that by
reason of the sayd Pyraticall practise shipps that are [?XXX]