HCA 13/68 f.575v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.575v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That the
arlate Nicholas Wielandt and John de la Villette are by common
repute fflandrians and have for a good tyme now past bene
Correspondent of this deponent, by which Correspondency he
well knoweth that they are merchants using a trade betwixt
fflanders and ffrance for wines and other goods, having their
factors att Nantes and other places for that purpose. And otherwse
he cannot depose.

To the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
he cannot depose saving that having bene for five yeares last past
a Correspondent with the arlate George Rozee Residing att Nantes
he is well acquainted with his handwriting, and being now shewne
severall papers annexed to the sayd allegation three whereof are
formes of Invoyces and signed severally George Rozee and
being shewne likewise severall bills of lading papers and [?some]
upon a file relating to the Cargazon of goods now in question
one whereof beares the forme of Agreement of Charter party and
is written in dutch and signed. George Rozee. Sem Jacobson
Pronck. This deponent is well assured that theis words George
Rozee whereby the sayd three Invoyces and sayd Charter party are [?under]
were and are the proper handwriting of the arlate George Rozee
residing att Nantes with whose character this deponent is well
acquainted for the reasons aforesayd. and otherwise cannot depose

To the 11th article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he this deponent
in the month of October last last 1653 received a letter from the
arlate Peter Lams of Dunkirke bearing date in the
same moneth from dunkirke and written to this deponent
and the arlate Vincent de la Barr in which letter the sayd Peter
Lams did give advise that the shipp ffortune Sem Jacobson
Pronck Master was att Nantes and was to come with a lading of
wynes to himselfe and freinds to dunkirke and thereupon made
his Request that this deponent and sayd Delabarr upon the sayd
shipps comeing to or neere Dover would use meanes to provide
the sayd shipp with a Convoy to waft her and her lading safe
to Dunkirke or to the like effect. And further saith that in the
moneth of January no last past and before the 17th day of
the sayd moneth English stile, he this deponent did receyve [?another]
letter from the sayd Peter Lams dated 13. January. 1654. new
stile from Dunkirke written to this deponent and the sayd Mr De la barr to the effect
in the former letter mentioned adding with all that he the sayd Lams
thought it strange that he heard not of her the sayd ship fortune and wished this deponent
and sayd Mr de la barr (whow were and are the Correspondents of the sayd
Peter Lams.) to enquire after her and in case they heard of her
to give what assistance to her and her lading should be re[?quisite]
or to the like effect. And he beleiveth that in case the sayd shipp
had not bene seized in the downes she would have come to dover
for Convoy and somuch he hath heard the sayd Sem Jacobson Pronck
affirme who was furnished by the sayd George Rozee with a
letter to this deponent and the sayd de la barr for the providing of