HCA 13/68 f.568v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 568 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/12/10 |
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and hath seene two bills of layding of one tenor for the sayd producents parcells [?of]
wine, videlicet one sent to this deponent out of flanders [/XXXX] now [?and ?XX]
to the sayd allegation,. and the other upon [?a] file in the Registry of this Court and since his comeing to this Citty hath receyved an attestation
under the seale of the Citty of Antwerpe where in appeares that the
sayd Wielandt hath positively sworne before the Magistrates there
that the foresayd wines are his owne and that noe other person hath any
right or property therein or to that effect. which attestation This deponent
now leaveth in the Registry of this Court and saith that the same is sealed
with the Common and usuall seale of the Citty of Antwerpe in such cases
used. and that the sayd Widdow Coppens and Jasper and John Clerke did
as this deponent hath credibly heard by their factor or factors laade aboard
the sayd shipp six tonnes of Vouvry wine and more 5 tonnes of like
wyne of the second marke in the margent for their owne accomptes
and hath likewise credibly heard that the factor or factors of the
sayd John ffrançois did lade aboard the sayd shipp for his
accompt 20 tonnes of Orleans wyne and 6. bales of paper marked
with the third marke in the margent, ad doth the rather beleive
the same to be true for that he hath seene severall letters and
accompts sent by the sayd George Rozee to the sayd John ffrançois
wherein did appeare to this deponent that the sayd wynes and paper
were payd for by the sayd ffrancois by nils of Exchange att Paris
and that the sayd Rozee had bought and putt the sayd goods to his
accompte, and likewise hath seene accompts for part of the sayd
wynes and sayd paper under th hand of one Peter Bechard of
Orleance wherein the sayd Orleance wynes and sayd paper are putt to the
accompt of the sayd ffrancois. And saith that the arlate John de
La Villette this deponents master did by his factors and for his sole
accompt use and risgo lade aboard the sayd shipp the tyme and
place aforesayd five Tonnes of Orleans wines and five tonnes of
Veuvry wines marked with the fourth marke in the marhent
to be delivered att Dunkerke to the sayd John de La Villette for
his owne use and accompt, which hee knoweth to be true aswell
for that Monsieur Burvan and Company the Laders of the sayd wines
have bene and are the Constant Correspondents of this deponents sayd Master
and have receyved severall quantityes of goods of good value
from him, and for that he this deponent about the beginning of
December last past did heare his Master say that e did expect
such a like parcell of wynes by the sayd shipp, as for that since
his comeing into England videlicet about 14 dayes after the seizure
of the sayd shipp he this deponent receyved a letter from his sayd
Master wherein he certifyed this deponent that the sayd qynes were
his owne and sent withall a bill of lading receyved by him by
the post from Nantes wherein did appeare that the same were laden
for his Accompt which bill of lading this deponent caused to
be exhibited in this Court and hath seene another bill of lading for
the sayd parcell of wines of the same tenor that came along with the
sayd wines, and hath lately receyved an Attestation under the seale
of the Citty of Dunkerke whereby appeares that the sayd John de la
Villette hath there before the Magistrates positively sworne upon his
solemne Oath that the sayd parcells of wines were laden for his