HCA 13/68 f.563v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.563v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and saith that the says shipp Hector was then well laden with sorts of peice goods
usually exported from Hamburgh which as the sayd Moller then
sayd were laden att Hamburgh and the sayd Claes Moller being
a freind of this deponent and one that sent some moneyes in this
deponents shipp this deponent had then and there the sight and
perusall of his shipps booke and Roll, and there by it did
appeare that the foresayd persons merchants of Hamburgh
severally mentioned as aforesayd, had Adventures severally
of good value in the sayd shipp Hector, which not long after
of this deponents sight tooke in a lading of woolls att Cadiz, after such tyme as she
had there made delivery of the sayd peice goods, and as since safely
arrived with the sayd woolls att Dunkerke, whither the same were
consigned. And otherwise to this article saving his foregoing
depositions he saith he cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation he saith that the foresayd
merchants as this deponent hath Credibly heard did send
severall good quantityes of peice foods from Hamburgh
about July last aboard the Crowne Imperiall Hans
Meynerson Master, and this deponent being in the Bay of Cadiz
with the shipp Patriarcke Jacob in August last then saw the sayd
shipp the Crowne Imperiall safely arrive in the saud bay
where her lading was safely delivered, and this deponent then
att Cadiz in discourse with the sayd Meynerson upon discourse of his
voyage heard him say that he came directly from Hamburgh and that
his goods were there laden by Hamburghers and that Harry Garts, Adrian
Youncker, ffrancis Sloyer and Daniel Brands with Jeronimo Snitgger of [##]

[## LH MARGIN] of whome this deponen
made particular enquiry
had severall peeces
aboard his shipp which
they laded for their
owne Accompt. And
otherwise cannot depose

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that the
foresayd merchants of Hamburgh videlicet the arlate Antonio
de Labistraat Hans Gartsen ffrancis Sloyer, Daniel Brands and Jeronimo Snitger Adrian Youncker Joachim van Campen
Paradins sonn Albert Anquelman Peter and Arnold Rulands
ffrancis Wallich and Jochim Baptista Youncker severally before
named, and allso the arlate Claes Moller in the moneth of
October last past and the tyme and tymes of lading the severall
parcells of sylver and moneyes now in question, and for
15 yeares before of the certaine knowledge of this deponent
were and att present are Burghers and Inhabitants of Hamburgh
and subiects of the free state thereof and so accounted and
every one of the sayd persons for all the sayd tyme hath bene and
is a Burgher and Inhabitant of Hamburgh and a subiect
of the free state thereof and for 15 yeares last past and upwards
they have bene well knowne so to be to this deponent who was as
he saithborne of Hamburgh parents descened from
Hamburghers through many generations, and was and is a citizen
of Hamburgh and there hath his wife and family and so hath had
29 yeares, and there hath dwelt or lived all his tyme, and
was and is a Burgher of the same Citty and a subiect of the
free state thereof. And the foresayd persons likewise were and
are all native Hamburghers, Antonio de Labistraat excepted
who is by birth an Antwerper and hath lived in Hamburgh
thirty yeares or thereabouts. And otherwise he cannot depose
