HCA 13/68 f.560v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 560 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/19 | |
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Edited on 13/07/2017 by Colin Greenstreet |
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of Hamburgh and subiects of the free State thereof and so
commonly accounted reputed and taken. And otherwise he
cannot depose.
To the 5th he saith he cannot depose saving that he hath many times [#]
heard the sayd Claes Colbrand say that the Laders of the sayd plate in question or Cashiers
who brought the same on board with bills of lading to be signed for the same did
say and averr to him the sayd Claes that the sayd sylver was all for accompt of the merchants
Hamburghers to whom the same was consigned in the sayd bills of lading and hath
likewise often heard the sayd Colbrandt say that in case he had any cause to
have suspected the confreenes of the sayd sylver as belonging to ffrench men or
Hollanders he would not have receyved the same aboard Michael Van Lubkan [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
To the last he saith his deposition is true.
To the Crosse Interrogatories.
To the 1 and 2. he saith that he knoweth not the sayd shipps Crowne
Imperiall and Patriarke Jacob or knoweth their burthen or for
whom they came to and from Cadiz.
To the 3. he saith he cannot depose.
To the 4th he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesaid
To the 5th he saith that about 3 yeares afoe the sayd Anthonio de Labistraet sent in the Morning
Starr this Rendent Master a bout 40 barrells of wax, and Hans [?Gerts]
severall parcells of Linnen, and ffrancis Sloyer a quantitye of
linnen Cloath and some Cynamon, Daniel Brands about 38 [?parcells]
of Linnen he being the partner of Jeronimo Snitger, Adrian
Younger a good quantity of wax Joachim Van Campen severall
barrells of knives and some bales of linnen, Albert Ankelman
a Great quantity of Linnen, Peter and Arnold Rulands a great
quantitye of Linnen, and ffrancis Wallich a quantity of Linnen
and John Baptista Yonker some linnen and some wax, all which
were delivered by this Rendent for their respective accompts to
their factors att Cadiz but the values or particular quantityes of the
sayd goods the tyme being now long since and this Rendent having
not the Roll of his sayd voyage he cannot sett forth And further
or otherwise cannot depose
Michell Van Lubkan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 25th day of January 1653
The Clayme of John Waters}
Robert Crowley for the}
shipp John and Isaack}
Examined upon the sayd allegation
Smith dt.
Phillip Hemings of Wapping mariner late steward
of the sayd shipp aged 49 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth videlicet
To the first second and third articles of the sayd allegation This deponent
saith that in May June July August September October November
December and January 1652 the arlate John Waterer Robert
Crowley Richard Allen John King and Company all Englishmen
and subiects of this Commonwealth were and still are or ought to
be the true and lawfull Owners of the sayd shipp the John and Isaack
and that the sayd Roger Lawerence within the sayd tyme was master
of her, and that the sayd shipp in her Course from the Barbadoes
to this Port of London about 14 leagues off of Scilly was taken
and surprized by a Sea Rover and carryed into ffrance all which
this deponent knoweth for that hee was steward of the sayd shipp
within the sayd tyme and present on board her att the seizure and
saith he hath Credibly heard aswell by the sayd Captaine Lawrence
as severall others that have bene lately att Plymouth that the
sayd shipp is now there and called by the name of the John of Saint Mallos