HCA 13/68 f.555v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 555 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 10/01/2018 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0670.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/01/10 |
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shipp for accompt of this deponent two pipes of wine and [?thXX]
hogsheads of wyne. and four pipes of prunes. and for accompt [of]
the shipps Companie being 7 mariners one pipe and ten
hogsheads of wyne. And otherwise cannot depose saving that [the]
sayd shipp is so fully laden that large vessells of wine or other goods
cannot conveniently be stowed therein yet small parcells of
goods might be stowed.
To the third he saith he never was att Nantes before this voyage
not ever knew the sayd Widdow Wessells of Gerard Peters
before the sayd voyage And otherwise then as aforesayd cannot depose
To the fourth he saith that he this Rendent did not receyve any
part of his freight in ffrance. but is to receyve it all att [?Hamburgh]
upon delivery of the sayd merchants goods there of and from the
respective merchants interested therein according to the sayd
bills of lading and their respective proportions of goods [?ldaed]
for their accompt as aforesayd. And otherwise he cannot depose
Repeated before doctors Clerke and Godolphin.
The 24th day of January 1653
A Busines of Examination of witnesses}
concerning the shipp the Saint John of}
London of which Mathew Merrill}
is Master promoted by the sayd Merill}
against all that pretend title or}
Interest in the lading of the sayd shipp}
Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of
the sayd Merill
Whaley dt.
Robert Mariot of Ipswich Mariner masters
mate of the sayd shipp aged 41 yeares sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth
To the 1. article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the moneth[?es]
of October November and december last past 1653. the sayd [?shipp]
the Saint John of which the sayd Matthew Marrell is Master was [?on]
a merchants voyage att Portugall and was in all the moneth[?es]
aforesayd and for severall monethes before a very firme [?staunch]
and tight ship and fitt to carry merchants goods, and so [?much]
was generally observed and knowne to be which this deponent
knoweth to be true being Masters mate of the sayd shipp for
all the sayd tyme. And otherwise hee cannot depose./
To the second article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That in [?or]
about the 4th day of december last 1653. the said shipp did
sayle from Porto port in Portugall for this Port of London
and comeing over the barr the sea did run so very high
that when the shipp came downe agayne she did strike [?three]
tymes upon the ground and thereby did receyve much dammage
and became very leaky of the certaine knowledge and
sight of him this deponent who was then on board her And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd [?shipp]
in her Course for London did upon the sixth day of december [?XX]
meet with a strong gale of wind. and upon the 18 and 19 dayes [?of]
the sayd moneth with a violent storme and tempest [?XX]
that by reason of the sayd violence the shipps boat was staved and
the deckes of the sayd shipp covered with waves, and the [?XX]