HCA 13/68 f.554r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.554r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of Hamburgh 40 yeares and upwards, and this deponent knoweth
not what countryman hee is, but hath heard he was borne att Antwerpe
And did not knowe that the sayd Gorrson was factor of the sayd Martin before
this voyage. And is well assured the sayd Paul Garson is the factor
of the sayd Jaques Martin, and not the sayd Martin of him the sayd
Garson aswell by discourse with the sayd parties themselves, and
report of others, as for that the sayd Jaques Martin is a great
Imployer of shipps and a greate trade to ffrance and hath a
great stock by report in the hands of the sayd Garson. and for that he
this deponent hath receyved 250 dollars of the sayd Garson upon and
for the Accompt and by the order of the sayd Martin to whom this Rendent paid or delivered the like summ before he came from Hamburgh and knoweth
not nor hath heard if the sayd Martin and Garson are partners in
trade. and otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third Interrogatorrie he saith by vertue of his Oath that the sayd Jaques
Martin did before the sayd shipp came from Hamburgh name to
this deponent the party who was his Assignee of ffactor in ffrance
that was to lade the sayd shipp, and did then name him by the name
of Garson and not by the name of Drolland.

To the fourth Interrogatory he saith that the Barkiers who brought the
sayd wynes and goods aboard did commonly in speaking of the
sayd Paul Garson call him and speake of hhim by the name of
drollion or drolland, but what the said name doth signify or import
in any language he saith for his part he knoweth not.

To the fifth he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing depositions
and otherwise negatively.

Cornellis [?Janssy [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin
and Doctor Clerke./


The 23th day of January 1653.

The Clayme of Dirick de Dobler of Hamburgh}
John Jacobson Carpfanger of Hamburgh
Jan Vanderweyden of Hamburgh and John}
[?deekins] of Hamburgh for the wynes and other}
[?goods] lately seized in the shipp the Justice}
of Stockholme of which Michael Heytman}
is master by the Bristoll frigat in the service}
of this Commonwealth. Suckly Budd}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymners

Michael Heytman of
Stockholme in Swethland master
of the sayd shipp the Justice aged
53 yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth videlicet.


To the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that in the moneth
of November 1653 last past this deponent being att Nantes in
ffrenace with his sayd shipp the Justice of Stockholm, a young man
by name derick dobler the sonn of the sayd Dirrick da dobler of Hamburgh
and one Gerard Peters, did then and there hire and take the sayd vessell
to ffreight to carry wynes Brandewynes pruens and other goods
from Nantes in ffrance to Hamburgh for accompt of dirrick dobler
and others merchants of Hamburgh. And saith that upon his former
examination taken touching the sayd shipp and lading att ffalmouth