HCA 13/68 f.551r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.551r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


still ought to be the lawfull Owners of a good part of the lading
of the sayd shipp hereafter specifyed, which he knoweth being Masters
Mate of the sayd shipp the voyage in question, and for the reasons
hereafter sett forth And otherwise he cannot depose, saving
that the sayd Richard Bromewell was Captaine or Commander of the
sayd shipp and so accounted.

To the second article he saith the sayd whipp was by the sayd Owners
ymployed on a voyage from this port about the Month of April
1652 under Conduct of the sayd Richard Bromewell to sayle into the
Balticksea and from thence to returne with a lading of goods
usually exported from those parts to this Port of London which
he knoweth for the reason aforesayd and otherwise cannot depose
saving that the sayd shipp made her first port being Dantzick
about the moneth of May 1652 . and from thence sayled to
Quinsborough in June following, and returned homewards, taking
Copenhagen in her way about August in the same yeare.

To the third article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that after the
Arrivall of the sayd shipp Mary Bonadventure att Quinsbrough
and in the moneths of June and July aforesay 1652 the sayd
Richard Bromewell of the certaine knowledge and sight of this
deponent did buy all and singular the goods hereafter specifyed
with ready money for accompt of himselfe and Common Owners, and
afterwards in the sayd monethes of this deponents like sight and
knowledge did lade the same for the same Accompt aboard the
sayd shipp then leying neere Wuinsborough, the kinds quantityes
and values of which goods were and are as followeth to say
12 bundles of Rhine hemp being 181 hundred weight at 34 shillings per hundred is
307 li 14 s and 121 small bundles of like hempe being 49 1/4 hundred
att 26 s per hundred is 64 li and 50 pieces of Pouldavis att 20 s per
peice is 50 li and 6 hundred of Clapboards att 6 li per hundred is
36 li and 100 of great Clapboards worth 10 li and 48 shock
of yarne att 14 s the shock is thirty three pounds and one hundred shock of yarne att 16 s per shock is 80 li and 100 pieces of flaxen
linnen Cloth being 30 shock 27 ells att 55 s per shock is
33 li 15 s and 65 peices of hedding linnen being 19 shock
10 ells, att 32 s 6 d per shock is 31 li and 50 bundles of flaxe
being 16 hundred weight att 55 s per hundred is 44 li and 30 deales att 10 s
per deale is 15 li and three sackes of feathers being 133 pound
att 12 d per pound is 6 li 13 s and one Coyle of white Rope
being 2 3/4 hundred at 40 s per hundred and severall other
things as Sturgeon, platters and Cases of bottles worth 12 li
all to be in the sayd shipp transported to this port of London for
the Accompt aforesayd. And saith that the Mariners of the
sayd shipp being in all 31 persons besides the master had an
Adventure aboard the sayd shipp for their owne Accompt in
hempe and flax and other things which with their Clothes
and necessaries were of the Cleare value of 450 li sterling
which were to hae bene brought to London for like accompt
and that the sayd Richard Bromwell had likewise aboard the