HCA 13/68 f.544r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.544r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


B. 2.

The fifth day of January 1653.

ThE Lord Protector of the Commonwealth}
of England, Scotland and Ireland}
against the shipp the Magdalen of
Ostend and goods in the same and
against Peter Thson and Company}
comeing in for their Interest therein}
Budd Smith.}

Examined upon an allegation on behalf
of the sayd Peter Thyson and Company

ffrancis Martyn of Ostend in fflanders
Mariner quartermaster of the sayd shipp
the Magdalen aged 62 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposed and
saith as followeth videlicet.


To the second article he saith the arlate Peter Thyson whom this deponent
hath knowne eight teares and upwards was and is an Ostender and
a subiect of the King of Spaine and for and as such commonly
accomted reputed and taken and otherwise cannot depose.

he was commisionated so to do by the Archduke Leopoldus Governor of
fflanders under the sayd King of Spaine by a Commission of marque
and that he the sayd Thyson in the monethes foresayd did take upon him
to execute and did really execute the saud Commission against and upon
the subiects of the sayd ffrench King, all which he eknoweth for that
he was quarter master of the sayd shippSaint John within the sayd tyme
and privy to and employed actually in the foresayd designe. And
otherwise he cannot depose


To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That the sayd
Peter Thyson by vertue of the sayd Commission of marke upon the high
and open seas upon or about the 6th day of December newstile 1653
did surprize and take the arlate shipp the Magdalen of Rochell
laden with salt sope brandewyne and some other goods all belonging
and apperteyning to ffrencg men subiects of the ffrench King as the
Skipper and shipps Company of the Magdalene being all ffrench
men and of Rochell did declare and Confesse. And further that the sayd shipp being
so taken the sayd Captaine Thyson did putt into her nyne of his owne
men to witt this deponent as principall and eight more, and tooke
the master and three moire the Magdalens Company on board his
man of warr and left onley three men of the Magdalens
Company on board her in the nature of prisoners under the power
and in the possession of this deponent and his sayd 8 men