HCA 13/68 f.541v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.541v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the Crosse Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith hee ws borne at Cadiz in Spaine, where
hee alwaies lived till the moneth of December 1650 at which time
hee departed thence for the West Indies and in going and coming and
staying there hee spent about 7 or 8 monethes, and upon his returning
to Cadiz hee staied there 13 or 14 monethes, and then went to
fflanders, and after about 8 dayes stay at Ostend
went to Amsterdam, which his arivall at Amsterdam was about
a moneth after his departure from Cadiz for fflanders
[?XXXXX] the moneth last June last, and his
stay there was about three monethes or more, and thence hee
went to Dunquirke and staid there 7 or 8 dayes, and thence hee
went to Cadiz and staid there a fortnight, and thence went
by land to Malaga where hee arived on or about the eighth of November
and staid there till the 22th of December of thereabouts, and
retourned by land to Cadiz, where
staying about 6 weeke, hee imbarqued himselfe for Dunquirke
where hee staid about a fortnight, and then imbarqued
himselfe for Dover where hee arived three dayes after Easter
last newe stile, and after 3 or 4 dayes stay there hee came to London
where hee hath bin ever since.

To the second hee saith hee is a subiect of the Kinge of Spaine
and otherwise hee hath specified above.

To the third hee saith that the time hee staid in Amsterdam as
aforesaid hee laye at the signe of North Holland neere the [?XXX]
Bridge, the name of the host being Peter Thomas, and
otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose.