HCA 13/68 f.539v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.539v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that the
said dogger boat the hurtle belongeth to the part of fflanders in
Holland, and that her owners dwell there and were there borne and
subiects of the States of the United Netherlands, and are by name [XXX]
Johnson Breeck, and John Johnson Breeck; and saith the said dogger
was outwards bound there for the North Sea on a fishing voyage, and
had only water and salt on her for ballast and to salt their fish [XXX]
be taken, with lines, Caske and other furnishings appertances [XXX]
of her seizure which are alsoe belonging to the said owners, saving [XXX]
lines, which are beling to the shipps company, all of fflanders and
Subiects of the said States, All wchich [Ceek???th] being master of the
boate and aboard her at the time of her seizure, which seizure [XXX]
was made by Captain Mowle off the Texel about a [for???]
upon the high seas, and other wise hee cannot depose.



The same day

Derrick Johnson of fflarden in Holland Mariner in
the company of the said doggerboate the hurtle
49 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined as aforesaid

To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
this doggerboate belongeth to the part of fflarden in Holland [XXX]
her owners Paul Johnson Breeck and John Johnson Breek dwell [XXX]
are subiects of the States of the United Netherlands and are [XXX]
company, and saith she was seized about a fortnight [XXX] by
Mowle at va off the Texel as shee was outwards bound for the
North sea to fish and had salt and finishing materialls aboard
all belonging to [E???d] hollanders, subiects of the said States.

Repeated with his [XXX] before Dr Clerke
and Coll. York



The tenth day of April 1654

Att’t touching the }
Hides claimed by Mr Bourne }
for a Spaniard in the Salvador }

Christian Cloppenbergh of Hamburgh [Ma???]
Master and Commander of the shipp the Salvadore
of Hamburgh now lying in this River of [?Thames]
aged Two and forty yeares or thereabouts
Sworne before the right worshipfull William Clerke
& John Gadolphin doctors of Law and
Judges of the High Court of Admiralty and
examined saith and deposeth by virtue of his Oath
as followeth videlicet

That he this deponent did att Cadiz in Spaine this last [p???]
he made thither about the latter end of the Summer 1652
receyve on board his sayd shipp the Salvador then [XXX]