HCA 13/68 f.530r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 530 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/05/25 |
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over and above his wages one able man negro and one able
woman negro or to the price and value of them to be paid to
him the sayd Smith or his Assignes which arbitrament
being put into writing the sayd Langley before this deponent and
Thomas Wright the Chyrurgion of the said shipp did sett his hand
thereto and did agree to performe the same And further hee cannot
depose saving his depositions to the third article of the sayd libell and saving hee saith that the shipp John and Mary did goe forth on the
voyage arlate on the 17 of January 1651 as is predposed and arrived
at Cormantine in Guiney about the 4th day of May next following and
from there came to Callabarr in Ginney and from thence to the Barbadoes arlate in the moneth of december next
following and from thence came safe to London in or about the moneth
of August 1653 And saving hee saith that during the whole voyage aforesayd the
sayd Abraham Smith did serve in the sayd shipp as cheife Mate and soe farr
as this deponent observed or could observe being Purser and aboard during
the whole voyage) did faithfully and honestly performe his dutie as
Masters mate of the sayd shipp and saving hee saith the arlate Prince dyed in
Guinney and in or about the moneth of May 1652 as hee remembreth.
To the 6th article of the sayd libell hee saith and deposeth as is rpredeposed
that the shipp the John and Mary arlate did arrive at the Barbadoes in the
moneth of December 1652 and that shee brought thither in her divers Negroes
And that after the arrival of her the arlate Abraham Smith did
demand of the arlate Langley two Negroes according to the
arbitrament aforesayd or the value of them in goods whereupon hthe sayd
Langley ordered this deponent to pay the sayd Smith for his sayd
two Negroes, and this deponent askeing the sayd Langley what hee should
pay him for them the sayd Langley ordered this deponent to pay the
sayd Smith three thousand pounds of Muscavado Sugar
and this deponent in persuance of the sayd order did at the Barbadoes pay unto the sayd
Smith two thousand eight hundred and seaventy pounds of sugar in part
of payment of the sayd 3000 li in liew of the sayd Negroes And further
cannot depose/
To the 7th hee saith that hee this deponent did at the same tyme arlate at the Barbadoes
sell Negroes for above fifteene hundred pounds of sugar a head
which is above the rate arlate and they were usually then sold there for the rate
arlate or more And further hee cannot depose/
To the 8th hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition and further
cannot depose
To the 9th hee cannot depose
To the 10th hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of the Court Interrate
and further cannot depose