HCA 13/68 f.50r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.50r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the twelfth and thirteenth articles of the sayd allegation Hee saith and deposeth
that the sayd Henry Powell in the premisses did as this deponent conceyveth
as became a Christian man in charity and a prudent man to doe and left
behind him .16. men to worke in the unlading of the Recoveryes goodes amnd
new stowing them in the Hopewell, and att his goeing to Barbados
gave them expresse order to ply the sayd worke, and the sayd .16. neb did
ply their worke accordingly with their utmost dilience this deponent seeing and observing the same and beleiveth
they did asmuch as if the sayd Powell and his other 4 men had bene with them
and that incase they had bene all ymployed in the sayd worke they could
not have performed it before the seizure of the sayd shipps by Prince
Rupert as aforesayd. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the fourteenth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith and deposeth that the
sayd Henry Powell did stay with the sayd shipp, till the 28th day of
October 1652. videlicet till within two dayes of the seizure thereof, and kept his
men so hard att worke to gett the aforesayd goods out of the Recovery into the
Hopewell that diverse of his Company did in the hearing of this deponent
complayne that he would kill them with excessive labour, and the sayd Powell
himselfe of the sight of this deponents did in his owne person take great paines therein,
and helped to unlade and relade the sayd goods neglecting noe tyme
or care in the doeing thereof. And othrwise cannot depose.

To the fifteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that for ought he
knoweth or could observe teh sayd henry Powell did not att any tyme
leave his shipp otherwise than as aforesayd or neglected any tyme in fishing
or about other busines, howbeit he saith he did within the sayd tyme
severall nights spend about an howre or two and not more in casting the
nett for Tutrles, which he saith was a convenient and usefull provision
for the shipps Company and done towards night onely, and after such
tyme as he had so rdered every mans worke and busines, that noe tyme
was thereby lost, the premisses this deponent knoweth being present and seeing
and taking notice thereof.

To the sixteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he hath knowne
the arlate henry Powell for theis 20 yeares now past and for all the
sayd tyme the sayd Powell hath bene a Master of a shipp and hath had
the reputation of honest able diligent and Industrious Seaman in the
discharge of his office and Trust, and one that hath bene observed to
be very diligent in keeping his men to their worke, and carefull and
conscientious in paying them heir wages, and somuch this deponent
having often sayled in Company with him hath seene and observed
by him and for his part never saw observed or heard and thing to
the Contrary. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the last he saith his depositions are true. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes.

To the first he saith he understandeth well the nature of an Oath and the danger
of periury. And saith the shipp Hopewell arrived att Antego upon the .14. day
of October 1652. and was seized by Prince Rupert the 30th day of the
same moneth after she had there bene 16. dayes.
