HCA 13/68 f.495v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.495v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith that hee this rendent is an Englishman, borne at
Higate and hath lived at Dover for theise 11 yeares last, and otherwise

To the second hee saith hee hath knowne the said William Maurin for theise [?XXX]
yeares last, and otherwise hee refrreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition saving
that the said Maurin hath dwelt and kept his familie at Dunquirke
severrall yeares last

To the third 4 and 5th hee saith hee hath knowne the said shipp the James about 7 monethes
last, but this deponent was not present nor knoweth ought
of her buying, but is convinced in his conscience that shee really belongeth
to the said maurin, and that noe Hollander or ffrenchman or subiect of the
kinge of ffrance or of the States of the United Netherlands have or hath
any interest therein, for hee saith the said Maurin having speech with this
deponent (being lately at Dunquirke) about the said shipp and her sending
for ffrance and this deponent giving the maser assistance at Dover, this
deponent earnestly urged and conjured him the said Maurin that if hee
were any wayes unfree in respect of England hee should not use this deponents
assistance or to that effect, whereupon the said Maurin seriously averred and
protested with an oath that shee was his and his freiends and that noe subiect of the States aforesaid
or kinge of ffrance had any interest therein.



The 17th of ffebruary 1653.

Keeling and company against the}
Beehive, John Saunderson master.}

John Saunderson of Berghen in Norway
Mariner, master of the said shipp the
Beehive, aged 33 yeares or thereabouts
sworne as in the Acts of Court and examined
upon certaine Interrogatories ministredon the
behalfe of the said Keeling and company
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.


belonge to the port of Berghen in Norway where this deponent
and all the owners of the said shipp dwell, and that the said owners