HCA 13/68 f.491r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 491 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/01/01 |
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for and in consideration of the summe of tenn thousand Rix dollers, paid
or satisfied by the said Slegall to the treasurie of the said Queene upon
discount of soe much due and owing to him from her for his said service
and much money by him disbursed towards victualling the camp, and
for clothing and furnishing of souldiers as they came downe into
the said service out of Sweden Germany and other parts, which premisses
touching his said buying the said shipp this deponent well knoweth
being present and privie to the same, and presently constituted master
of the said vessell by the said Slegall, and ever since this deponent
hath bin master thereof, and thereby well knoweth that the said
Daniel Slegall hath ever since bin and at this present is the true
lawfull, and sole owner of the said shipp Peter and of her tackle
and furniture, and for such commonly accompted and reputed, And this
hee saith was and is true and notorious.
To the second article hee saith and deposeth that the said Daniel
Slegall was and is a Senator of Stettin, subiect of the said Queene
and her servant and a Nobleman as aforesaid of Sweden, and soe
much this deponent declared at Plimouth upon his examination there
to such as tooke his examination, but whether they have there
set downe truely and rightly what this deponent said and declared hee
knoweth not, for hee saith that hee that undertooke to interprete this
deponent (who saith hee cannot speake English) spake dutch very
broken and imperfectly, soe that this deponent could but here and there
understand either what hee said or read over to this deponent; And
saith that this deponent then declared (and that accordinge to the truth)
that hee had well knowne the said Daniell Slegall for theise eight
yeeres last or thereabouts, and hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing
deposition and cannot otherwise depose.
To the third and 4 hee saith that hee this deponent hath made severall
voyages with the said shipp betwixt Stockholme and Amsterdam, and
from time to time hath had order from his said owner Daniel Slegall
that what moneyes this deponent should have remayning (after defrayinge
of chardges) of his freights to Amstedam, hee should from time to time
pay or deliver the same into the hand of the arlate Jaques [?Loona] of
Amsterdam, to be by him remitted to the said Daniel by exchange, and
alsoe that in case this deponent had occasion for more moneys than hee
had in had for the said shipps occasions hee should take it up of the
said Loon upon the said Slegalls accompt, all which this deponent hath
donne accordingly: and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth hee saith that for two yeares together or thereabouts
about the time of this deponents said first comming into the said shipp hee
this deponent lived in Stockholme with his wife, children and familie,
And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose.
To the 6th hee saith that whatever razure is or appeareth in his
ffrench passe, the same was donne at Tholon where the said
passe was made by such as had the making thereof or filling of it up in
at the Customhouse there, And otherwise hee cannot depose
saving that this deponent was at Plimouth at he time of his examination after
told by some present