HCA 13/68 f.489v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.489v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 7th of ffebruary 1653.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Alice Price of the parish of Saint Olaves in the Borough
of Southwarke wife of William Price Victualler, aged 26
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the third article of the said allegation shee saith and deposeth that after
the bringing up of the shipp the Great Christofer arlate, the arlate Cornelius
Peterson the Cooke of the same lodged in this deponents house at the signe
of the Halfe Moone at Horsey Downe staires for the space of three weekes
or thereabouts, about the middle of whch time, namely about a moneth
before Christmas last past on a sunday after dinner there came two
Dutchmen, sea men, and in this deponents sight fell upon the said
Cornelius as hee was walking upon the wharfe before this deponents
dore, and expressing much anger in their words and gestires fell to
haling and pulling him to carry him away by force and strucke
soe much and prevailes soe upon him, that if the said Cornelius had not
bin rescued, shee beleeveth they would by violence have carried and made
him away as this deponent understood by their words; And theise two
men that offered this violence, were as this deponent was informed by
the said Cornelius and by another belonging to the said shipp, two of the
said shipps company, and that they were soe furious and violent
against him because hee the said Cornelius had sworne
against the said shipp. And otherwise shee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories.

To the first shee saith that Mr Pykering is concerned in this business
as shee conceiveth because hee came and spake to her to come and
depose what shee knew in this matter, and that shee wisheth that
right may take place, And othewise shee cannot answer.

To the last shee hath not soe deposed and therefore the same
concerneth her not.

The marke of the said
[MARKE] Alice Price

Repeated before the three Judges in Court.