HCA 13/68 f.488v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.488v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 6 of ffebruary 1653.

[?XXX] and company against the}
Greate Christofer}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation


William Clarke a Souldier of Colonell Ingold[?steins]
Regiment, aged 29 yeares or therabouts sworne and

To the third article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that on a day
happening about a moneth or five weekes since, hee this deponent was
in company of the arlate Cornelius Peterson at one Mr Budds a victualling
house in Southwarke, and in discourse with the said Cornelius in the dutch
tongue (which this deponent well understandeth having lived 6 yeares
and upwards in Holland) and the said Cornelius being moved then by Mr Pickering to come
over to the Admiraltie Court to be a witnesse and testifie something
further then what hee had formerly spoken, hee the said Cornelius
excused the same, saying hee was and went in feare of his life
being (as hee said) threatened by the shipps company to be killed for what
hee had said before, and therefore durst not come, albeit this
deponent and another souldier undertooke to guard him.