HCA 13/68 f.477r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.477r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


thereof, and for the particularitie of the said owners their parts, hee saith
that teh same were and are as followeth videlicet the said Vlaus Cordes a 16th part
William White an eighth part, Albert Saffa a 16th part, this deponent
three eighth parts, Joachim [?VrXXXX] an eighth part, detcliffe [?decles]
an eighth part [?Gunert] Givertson a 16th part, and Andrew Dostell
a 16th part. And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing

To the fourth and 5th hee saith that the said shipp cost building and
fitting 7700 markes Lubecke or neare thereabouts, and the said Andreas
Dostell for the said 16th part bought of this deponent paid 465 marks
Lubecke. And this deponent was specially imployed in the oversighting
and furthering the said building and defraying the chardges thereof.

To the 6th negatiely, saving his foregoing deposition, whereunto hee
referreth himselfe.

To the 7th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition
And otherwise cannot answer.

To the 8th hee saith hee carried outwarss (besides the said Clapboard for
the owners) about 3000 pipestaves and 100 pounds of Cordovan leather
which were forhis this deponents owne accompt, which pipestaves hee sold
for 60 gilders per thousand, and the Cordovan for 2 gilders the pound
And saith that hee had aboard at the time of the seizure (besides the said
salt) 6 peeces of brandewine, tenn hogsheads vinegar and 20 hogsheads of
wine, all the said brandewine, vinegar and wine for the
accompt of this deponent and company of the said shipp, which brandewine
cost them 70 gilders the hogshead, the vinegar 15 gs 1/2 per hogshead and
the wine 14 1/2 the hogshead, and that the said salt, and other goods are
fully paid for, and that nothing remaines thereof unpaid.

To the 9th hee saith that the said brandewine, vinegar and wine were
the proceede of the said pipestaves and Cord[?evain], and some of his freight
whereiwth hee furnished himselfe and company to buy and pay for the
said brandywine, vinegar and wine, And otherwise hee referreth himselfe
to his foregoing deposition.

To the 10th negatively.

To the 11th hee saith the saud salt and other goods seized are of the growth
and make of ffrance.

To the 12th hee saith hee never knew the said [?Bordeway] before this present
voyage, and that hee the said [?Bordeway] hath noe part or share
whatsoever in the said wine or other goods, And otherwise hee cannot answer

To the 13th hee saith hee was borne at Baerdt in Pomerland, and hath
for theise 25 yeares last lived in Lubeck and bin a maried man there for
16 yeares of the said time, And saith that the speedinesse of the
restitution of the said goods will availe him much, in respect
of the chardge hee [?staires] at, and that them hee may prosecute his
voyage. And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the 14th negatively.

To the last hee saith that there hath not bin any money taken up
upon bottomrie since the beginning of the said voyage. And otherwise hee
cannot depose./

Class [?XX] [?Man] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]