HCA 13/68 f.471v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.471v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the
moneth of August 1653. last hee this deponent being at Roane in ffrance upon
Merchandizing affaires, did then and there see and observe foure bales or packs of
goods, (whose severall markes this deponent remembreth not) and one barrell of [?XXXX]
and some reames of paper brought and laden on board the shipp the Saint John
of Hamborough arlate, (Joachim Meesters the Commannder) lyingat the [?XXX ?of]
Roane and bound for Hamborough, which said severall parcells of goods were
laden and putt on board the said shipp by one Joachim Collins a ffactor at Roane
and his precontest Claus Vosse, to be transported in the said shipp to Hamborough for
the accompt and risico of the arlate John Stolly the producent in this [?Caiuse]
and there to be delivered for his accompt to him or his Assignes, [?as ?the]
said factor and this deponents precontest then severally affirmed and declared to [?him]
And saith hee this deponent in or about the moneth of July last past was in
Companie with his said precontest at Paris in ffrance where hee saw him buy
severall french goods wares and merchandizes of severall french men there and
saw him pay for the same with readie moneys, the said goods consisting in hatts [?XXXX]
ribbons gloves belts and other Commodities, and saith hee this deponent saw part
of the said goods packed up in two packs or bailes at the said Claus [?Vosse]
his lodging in Paris to be sent from thence to Roane as accordingly they were and
laden for the accompt aforesaid; as the said de Vosse both at the time of the
buying and lading of the said goods affirmed to this deponent And otherwise saving
his subsequent deposition hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the second hee saith, That hee was not present at nor aw the signing of
the bills of ladeing arlate and now showne to this examinate at the time
of his examination, but in regard hee is well aquainted with the hand
writing of the said Joachim Meesters, and had bills of lading signed by
him for such goods as hee this deponent at Roane caused to bee laden aboard
the said shipp for Hamburgh, hee is in Conscience persuaded that the
two bills of lading now shewne unto him were firmed at Roane by the
said Master with his owne hand, and that the Contents thereof were
and are reall and true. And otherwise cannot depose/

To the 3. and 4th. articles hee saith, That hee this deponent was [?present]
at Paris, when the said Claus Vosse received monies by [?various]
letters of exchange from the said producent, at the howse and from the [?XXX]
of one Nicholas Gourrin a Merchant at Paris, and also saw the [?XXX
said Clause Vosse drew monies upon the said producent from another
Merchant at Paris (whose name hee remembreth not) with [?which]
the said Claus Vosse paid for the goods and merchandizes there
bought and provided by him upon the accompt aforesaid, And [?hee]
in Conscience is verily persuaded, That the said goods wares and
merchandizes were really bought, and laden aboard the said shipp
for the accompt and upon the adventure of the said Detlef [?XX]
and that no other person whatsoever hath any share or interest