HCA 13/68 f.46r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.46r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Contains knowledge and continually find the sayd Antonia du Cuyper
and John Passuant were and are Citizens Inhabitants and subjects
and each and every of them was and is a Citizen Inhabitant and
subject of the free City and State of Dantzyck and so accounted.
and are not nor were not eyther of them is or ever was that this
deponent knoweth beleiveth or hath heard subiect to the States of the
United Provinces, of the ffrench King, or of any Prince or State
in histility with this Commonwealth of England nor so accounted. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the last hee saith his depositions are true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the .1. he saith he is master of the young Boer and so hath bene for.
about 2 yeares and an halfe and came first aboard her att Amsterdam
and was in her att the tyme of seizure.

To the .2. [he] [saith] he knoweth both the Parties [interrogated] and hath knowne
[them] 13. yeares and upwards respectively, and saith by [common] [repute]
they are [Dantzyckers] borne and [there] [have] lived all their tyme, and
for 13 yeares [past] of [this] deponents knowledge, and [there] [have] their
[howses] wives children and familyes, and saith Antonio de Caypers
[howse] is att the Corner of the [?Haye] street by the water side in Dantzyck
and the howse of John [Passuant] is [neere] to the [?Parle] Church or the
G[reat] Church of Dantzyck.

To the [3.] [he] [saith] he hath knowne the sayd shipp the young Boer [three]
yeares or thereabouts and saith she was built att Edam in Holland about
3 yeares at the Co[sts] of an Inhabitant of [Edam] whose name [he] [remembreth]
not And saith [this] deponent did buy the sayd [2. 16th] [parts] of the young
Boer now in question att [Amsterdam] on the behalfe of the sayd [present] Owners
and [saith] [there] [was] not nor any bill of sale for the same [made] [nor] [eyther]
of [them], and [hath] fully satisfyed the [rest] of [this] [Interrogatory] in [his]
foregoeing deposition [whereto] [he] [referrs] [himselfe].

To the 4 and [5.] [he] [referreth] himselfe to said foregoeing depositions
wherein he hath [declared] the whole [truth] so farr as he knoweth and
otherwise negatively.

To the .6. [he] [saith] he is a native and inhabitant of Skelling being an
Island under the jurisdiction of the States Generall of the united
Provinces and otherwise negatively.

To the .7. [he] [saith] he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the .8. [he] [saith] the sayd shipp [began] her outward voyage in May last
from the Port of [Amsterdam], and saith [that] the sayd Antonio [?de] Cuyper
and John [Passuant] did by their respective [factors] att [Amsterdam] contribute
towards the then setting forth of the sayd shipp and saith [he][doth]
not know [beleive] or [hath] [heard] [that] [since] [June] 1651. the sayd Antonio
[?de] Cuyper and John [Passuant] [have] [reconveyed] or sold [agayne] [the]
[sayd] two sixteenth [parts] of the sayd shipp to the sayd John [?XXXson] or any
[other] [person] [whatsoever], and otherwise [cannot] [depose].

Sam [Delaplace] [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Jacob [Cornelison] [?XXXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before the Judges in Court