HCA 13/68 f.464v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.464v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aged 35. yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet:/

To the first article and schedule therein mentioned hee saith and deposeth, That
in or about the moneth of August and September last past, hee this
deponent caused to be laden and putt on board the shipp the Saint John of
Hamburgh arlate (Joachim Meesters Commannder) then lying at the key at
Roane in ffrance and bound for the Port of Hamburgh, two bailes
of goods marked with the marke in the margent, and one
sack of bag of goods marked with the marke of the Custome house at
Roane aforesaid, containing severall sorts of goods wares and merchandizes
of ffrance, as plush Chambletts, taffety, tabby, bealts plumes of ffeathers
gloves hatbands and other Commodities, the particulars whereof this deponent
doth not at present remember, and one Trunke and all singular whereof
particular goods wares and merchandizes contained in the said trunke and
mentioned in the schedule annezed, videlicet one Cloake and doublet of ffrench
Chamblet worth 1 li 5 s one dozen of Barber scissors worth 4 s 5 d
Two black hilts for swords at 9 s a peece, worth 18 s ome Reame of
guilt paper worth 8 s seaven ells black Cipres in a paper which [?XXX]
cost 5s the ell amounting to 1 li 15 s All sorts of Taffeta Ribbon in a
paper worth 9 i 3 s ten dozen of black silke poynts worth 1 li 8 ss one
suit and Cloake of Spanish Cloath worth 5 li 6 s One Cassock with
silver buttons worth 4 li 10 s One Travellers bedd of redd Cloath worth
1 li 6 s one sword and be;lt worth 15 s one silver spoone worth 9 s one
silver hooke for a hatt worth 4 s ffower yards of white bone lace worth
12 s six shirts 4. payre of underdrawers 12 handcherchiefs. 12. bands, 1
wastecoate, 2. paire of welted stockins togeather worth 3 li 6 s. And more
one Portmantle with weareing linnen and some small favours and
curiosities bestowed upon this deponent in ffrance and twelve ells of blew and
white statin, and two flower potts wrought in silke embroidery all to be
transported and carried in the said shipp from Roane to Hamburg for
the sole accompt and adventure of this deponent and there to be delivered
to and received by this deponent for his owne accompt, Of all which aforesaid
bailes, sack, Truncke, Portmantle, and all the goods wares and merchandizes
contayned therein, as also of the said Statin and flower potts embroydered that this
deponent sometimes before at and since the tyme of the ladeing of all and singular
the parcell of goods predeposed was is and ought to be the true and lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of the same. Which the premisses this deponent by
Vertue of his solemne oath declareth to be true and reall, being himselfe
the person who acted and transacted the same upon his peculiar accompt
and for his owne occasions. And otherwise saving his following deposition
hee cannot depose./:-

(To the second