HCA 13/68 f.463r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.463r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Roane in ffrance, and by one John Robert factor there caused to be laden and putt
on board the shipp the Saint John of Hamborough (whereof the arlate Joachim [?Masterr]
then was and now is Commander) then lying at the lay of Roane aforesaid
three bales two fatts and one little Case respectively marked with the markes and
numbers in the Margent to be transported and carried in the said shipp the Saint
John from their said place of lading to Hambrourgh for the accompt and upon the
adventure of the said Claus Luys and there for the said accompt to be delivered
unto him the sayd Luys the said bales fatts and Case being filled with stuffes
belts, gloves, hatts, ribbons and severall other sorts and kindes of ffrench goods
wares and merchandizes all for the accompt of the said producent, who at the time
of the lading aforesaid and till this present was is and ought to bee the true
and lawfull Owner of the said bailes fatts and Case and of the goods conteyned
therein, and for such was and is commonly accompted areputed and taken. The
premisses this deponent knoweth, for that this deponent went along in the shipp the
Saint George from Hamburgh about Whitsuntide last to Roane aforesaid, and
from thence to Paris with his precontest Derich Warnicke, where, in regard the said
Warnicke was not experienced in the ffrench language, this deponent was and went
many times along with him to be his assistant for the buying of the said goods
of severall Merchants in Paris for the said accompts and thereby saw the buying
of all or most part of the said goods, and saw the same or most part thereof paid for
by the said Derrick Warnick with readie monies for and on behalf of the said producent
And otherwise saving his following depositions hee saith hee cannot depose, saving this
deponent was personally present when the said John Robert in the name of the said
producent at or about the tyme of the lading of the goods aforesaid agreed with the
said Master for the payment of thirty rixdollars for the freight thereof from Roane to
Hamburgh, and for that this deponent saw all the said goods carried aboard the said
shipp, saving the said little case which this deponent saw made up in the house of the
said John Robert at Roanem ready to be brought aboard the said shipp to be trans
ported and delivered aforesaid.