HCA 13/68 f.438v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 438 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/12/14 |
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as aforesayd. And saith that the sayd moneyes being so paid and all
cleared the sayd Johnson delivered the quiet possession
of the sayd shipp to this deponent who
sayled her from Amsterdam to dunkerke arriving there in Aprill and there the
sayd William Meurin fitted her to carry a lading of Corne
or wheat to Biscay, and that he this deponent was appoynted master
of her and that the sayd wheat was accordingly laden but was
afterwards unladen by reason of a prohibition from the Magistrates
of fflanders for exporting of Corne, and that in August last
past he this deponent was ordered by the sayd Meurin to [?freight]
a lading of wynes and salt att Rochell with the sayd
shipp, which voyage he did accordingly performe, and as hee was
ordered delivered the sayd salt and wine att dunkerke to him
the sayd William Meurin. howbeit he saith that the sayd shipp
in her outward voyage to Rochell was mett with by an English
Caper that came from Poole who plundered the sayd shipp and
tooke away her Colours or flagges and her powder and provisions
of beefe porke butter and Cheese and two of her gunnes and so let her
goe upon her sayd voyage for Rochell, all of which this deponent
was an eyewitnes. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the third Article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that in the moneth
of October last past the foresayd William Meurin did sett forth the
sayd shipp the ffortune under Command of this deponent with 100
pigges of lead in the same, which he consigned to the arlate [?XXX]
Bosserode and Peter Coppens Residing att Nantes in ffrance to
be by them disposed for the proper use and accompt of him the sayd
William Meurin. And saith that he this deponent in his passage for Nantes
witrh the sayd Lead mett one Captaine Sanders Commander of a vessell
or frigot of this Commonwealth, who visited this deponent and his shipp
the ffortune aforesayd, And that he this deponent shewed him his sea briefe
and Letters and gave him an Accompt of his voyage, and that hee
the sayd Captaine Sanders was satisfued therewith and permitted this deponent
to proceed upon the sayd voyage And that this deponent safely arrived with his
sayd shipp and lead att Nants, and did deliver the sayd lead to them
the sayd Basserode and Coppens to sell and dispose the same for the
use and Accompt of the sayd William Meurin: And otherwise he
cannot depose.
To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that after there [?receavying]
the sayd lead the foresayd Basserode and Coppens did lade all the
wynes now on board the sayd shipp the ffortune, all for the sole [?accompt]
and adventure of the sayd William Meurin of dunquerque, eight tonnes and
a halfe onely excepted, which 8 1/2 tonnes were laden for accompt of this
deponent and Mariners of his shipps Company. And further saith that
before such tyme as the sayd shipp came last from dunkerke the sayd
Meurin did informe this deponent that he had given order for the
shipps lading of wynes to be ready att Nantes to the sayd Basserode