HCA 13/68 f.431r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 431 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/17 |
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The 12th day of January 1653.
The Clayme of Manuel and ffrancis dirickson}
of Hamburgh for the goods lately seized}
in the shippe called the Hope of Lubeck of}
which Henrick Vinter is Master being}
25 lasts of tarr thirty four bundles}
of hempe eight hundred and forty}
deales 1440 pipe staves and 3 fatts}
of tallow by the Sampson a privat man}
of warr whereof [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Granger is Commander}
Suckly Smith.}
whaly dt.
Anthonio Fernadez Caravajal
of London merchant aged 55 yeares or
thereabouts a witnesse sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that on or about the
moneth of July 1653 last past the arlate Manuell and ffrancis dirickson
did cause to be laden in the sayd shipp the Hope of Lubeck of which
the sayd Hendrick Vinter is master att or neare Lubeck aforesayd
the severall goods allegat, to say 25 lasts of tarr .34 bundles
of hemp .840 deales .1440 pipestaves, and three fatts of tallow
all for the proper Accompt and Adventure of them the sayd Manuell
and ffrancis dirickson of Hamburgh to be transported in the
sayd shipp from Lubeck aforesayd to Haver de Grace in ffrance and
there delivered to Antonio Rodrigues de Moras for the proper
use and behoofe of them the sayd Manuel and ffrancis dirickson
The premisses this deponent knoweth to be true for that about the latter
end of August last past he receyved here in London a letter of
Advise from the sayd Manuell and ffrancis dirickson who are the
Correspondents of this deponent and so have bene for theis ten yeares
last past, bearing date from Hamburgh 15th July 1653. and
likewise another letter dated from the same place 22. August 1653
in both and eyther of which letters is certifyed that they the sayd parties
had laden aboard the sayd shipp att Lubeck for their owne accompts and
consigned to the sayd Antonio Rodriguez de Moras for the port of
Haver de Grace a lading of tarr hemp deales pipestaves and
tallow, which letters he saith are true and reall and not feigned
or Colourable, and the sayd parties in the sayd letters requested this deponent
in case the sayd shipp in her Course should happen to be taken and
brought into any Port of England, to clayme the sayd goods and
lading in their names, for that the same did really belong unto
them, or to the selfe same effect and saith he hath likewise since
August and since the receipt of the foresayd letters receyved
severall other letters from the sayd Claymers to the like purpose, all
which were and are true and reall, and that with the sayd letters
came likewise to this deponents hands two Certificates under the
seale of the City of Hamburgh by which appeares that the foresayd
Claymers did before the Burgomasters of Hamburgh upon their
Corporall Oathes positively sweare and declare that the right and
propriety of the foresayd goods was in and did solely belong to themselves
or to the same effect one of which Certificates, which he saith is sealed
with the seale of the sayd citty in such cases usuall, he this deponent
hath delivered to Mr Smith by him to be exhibited in this Court where to for the more