HCA 13/68 f.423r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.423r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The clayme of Didier ffauquot et ctera}

The 18th day of January 1653.

Examined upon the sayd allegation.


Daniel Trenier of Saint Martins Lane London merchant
aged 43 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth

To the first and second Articles of the sayd allegation This deponent ssaith that
he hath Credibly heard that about 8 or 9 monethes past the sayd shipp
the Hope Oliver Gwin master did safely arrive att this port of London
with a lading of wynes for Accompt of the Agent of the Prince
of Condes here resident and the producent Didier ffaucot
And saith that since that tyme the sayd producent in the presence and
hearing of this deponent did give Order and direction to his precontest
David Griell to buy for him a quantity of allum sugar and starch
and lade them aboard the sayd shipp to be from hence transported to
Rohan in ffrance and the sayd producent furnished him with moneyes
for the buying of the same and saith that
the sayd goods were so bought and laden by the sayd David Griell for
accompt of the sayd ffawcott, as this deponent hath severall tymes
heard the sayd David Griel who logeth in this deponents howse affirme
And otherwise he cannot depose./

To the third fourth fifth and sixth articles of the said allegation This deponent
saith that the sayd shipp was in her Course for Roane seized by an Ostend
mann of Warr as this deponetn hath credibly heard. And saith and knoweth
that upon the newes of the sayd seizure the arlate didier ffawcot
did send over his sayd precontest David Griel to Ostend to redeeme
the same for him the producent and gave him a procuration under
his hand on that behalfe which procuration this deponent saw in
the hands of the sayd Griel before he went over to Ostend, and further
saith that the producent ddid likewise procure a Letter of Credit from
his precontest Michael Castil for procuring of such moneyes as the
sayd Griel should want for redeeming of the sayd shipp and goods
at Ostend, which letter the sayd Griel tooke with him to Ostend
accordingly. An this deponent by letters of advise from
the sayd Griel whilest he was att Ostend and partly by his relation by word of
mouth, since his returne, and likewise of the producent hath come
to understand and know that the sayd David Griel by assistance
of Mr Castills freind to whom he had a letter of Credit did there
in fflanders redeeme the sayd shipp and goods with Consent of the Court of
Admiralty of Bridges of and from the Imployers of the Man of warr
of Ostend that had seized the same, for 320 li sterling. and that
the sayd monet was frawne upon the sayd Castill by bills of
exchange, and that the sayd Mr Castell accepted the sayd bills
and that the sayd moneyes have since really bene payd for the sayd
shipp and lading by the sayd Ddidier ffawcot him selfe, to the persons
to whom the sayd bills were assigned, and that the sayd bills were
and are really discharged. And further saith that before