HCA 13/68 f.408r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.408r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th day of January 1653.

The Clayme of John donvestion}
of Venice and James Thery}
for sixty fourt Carratalls of}
oyle in the shipp the Saint Marke}
whereof Dirrick Jausson Mars}
is Master taken by the Parliaments}
ffleet under the Command of}
Generall Blake Smith Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymers.

Smith dt.

Thomas Cole of the parish of Saint Olaves
in Southwarke Citizen and Weaver of London
aged 73 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth

T the fifth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he hath well
knowne the arlate James Therry, who att present is residing att
Antwerpe, from the Childhood of him the sayd James, And saith that the
sayd James Therry was and is an Englishman borne and a subiect
of this Commonwealth which this deponent knoweth for that he this
deponent was a Journeyman or servant under the father of the
sayd James within the tyme of the Childhood of him the sayd James and the sayd father of the arlate James was a freeman
of this Citty and of the livery of the Company of Weavers, and
the sayd James was borne in Colemanstreet within this Citty
of London where his father lived many yeares both before and
after the birth of him the sayd James who was educated and bred likewise in this Citty And for an Englishman
so borne and bredd the sayd James Therry was and is commonly
accounted reputed and taken, And otherwise he cannot depose
upon the rest he is not examined by direction

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes.

To the .1. negatively.

To the .2. he saith he hath knowne the sayd James Therry from his
Childhood being about 50 yeares. And saith that the sayd James Therry
when he went out of England went to live as this deponent hath
heard att Amsterdam, but how long e lived there or whether he had
a wife and family there knoweth not. And saith that about four
or five yeares agoe the tyme otherwise he remembreth not, there
came to this deponents howse one ffountaine a post that used to travell
betwixt England and Holland and this deponent falling into discourse
wit him concerning his acquaintance in Holland, amongst the rest made
enquiry after the sayd James Therry. and the sayd ffountaine did
then acquaint this Rendent that the sayd James Therry was removed
from Amsterdam and was gone to live and did then live att Anstwerpe
and att Antwerpe the sayd Therry hath resided ever since
that tyme as this deponent hath heard, but whether as a merchant
stranger or as a Burgher This Rendent for his part doth not know
nor hath heard And further he cannot depose.

To the .3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. and 12th Interrogatoryes he saith he is now way
privy to this cause or any thing therein deduced saving as a foresayd, and
otherwise than negatively, saving as aforesayd canot depose to the sayd Interrogatoryes
nor any of them.