HCA 13/68 f.400r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.400r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 14th of DEcember 1653./ [CENTRE HEADING]

The clayme of Thomas ffincham Edward Yonge and}
ffrancis Yonge of London Merchants for ffrench wyne}
seized in the shipp the ffortune of which David Beck}
is Master seized by Gyles Pladffeild upon colour of}
a Commission granted to John DElabarr and others: Suckley}

Examined upon an allegation given in on the
behafe of the sayd Claymers./

Rp. EA:


Robert Minchard of the parish of Saint
Magnus London Notary publique aged 62
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation and schedule therein mentioned hee saith and deposeth That in
the moneth of September last the arlate Thomas ffincham Edward Yonge
and ffrancis Yonge did hyre the shipp the ffortune arlate (the sarlate david Beck of Hamborough Master thereof) to freight from London for a voyage
to lade wynes at Rochell or Sherrant in ffrance for the accompte of them
the sayd ffincham and Edward and ffrancis Yonge and to retourbe therewith
either to Dunquirke or London according as the sayd
Beck should receive orders from the sayd ffreighters in the downes arlate
where hee was by Charperpartie made in writing under hand and seale betweene
the sayd ffreighters and the sayd Beck appointed to stay and take orders and
directiopn from them, to which of the sayd Ports hee should returne to deliver
and unlade the sayd wines and accordingly on the second day of September
1652 a Charterparty Indented betweene the sayd ffreighters and the sayd Beck was
made in writing and then Interchangeably signed sealed and delivered by them
each to other as their severall deedes, for the performance of the sayd voyage
accordingly And saith tht the schedule arlate now shewed unto him at this his examination was and is the originall Charterparty
made signed and sealed by the sayd david Beck on his parte ato the sayd ffreighters for
the sayd voyage in the presence of this deponent and his this deponents sonne henry
Micnchard and the rest of the witnesses whose names are thereunto subscribed The
premisses hee the better knoweth being the person imployed by the sayd ffreighters
and the sayd david beck to drawe and make the sayd Charterpartie, and
well knoweth that these words Robert Minchard Notary publique London
are his this deponents owne hand writing and did see all the rest of the witnesses
thereto subscribe their names in testimony of the truth thereof And further
to this article hee cannot depose

To the second third fowerth 5th and 6th articles hee saith hee cannot depose knowing
nothing concerning the transactions of the sayd voyage more then is by him predeposed
to which hee referreth/