HCA 13/68 f.386v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.386v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


made against the sayd Saphire friggot by this deponent notwithstanding his
ingagement and Contest as aforesaid, hee the sayd Admirall threatned
this deponent that in Case he continued without shooting at the said ffrench
hee would sinke his said shipp the three Kings or words to that effect
whereupon this deponent apprehending the danger that hee and his said shipp
were in by the said Admiralls resolution, and finding then no possibilitie of
escape, he told his Companie that upon necessitie some shott must be
discharged from his said shipp expressely to avoyd sinking by the said
ffrench Admirall, but this deponent then also expressely charged his Gunner
and companie so to place the gunn that they might be sure to shoot
short, and not to hitt the said Saphire frigat or her Companie, whereupon
about 6. or 7. shotts during the said fight were by this deponents said
Gunner and Companie discharged, all of which of this deponents sight and
observation fell farr short of the said Saphire frigat, shee then indeed being at
such a distance that her brasse gunnes could not endammage the said frigat
or Companie. And so much in effect the Captaine of the Saphire frigat and some
of his Companie declared to this deponent shortly after the seizure, videlicet
That they well preceived that during the fight this deponents ship made
for the most to the Leeward of the said Admirall and Vie Admirall, and
appeared not to be willing to engage; or words to that purpose. And
otherwise cannot depose.