HCA 13/68 f.362r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 362 |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 07/10/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_117_07_0281.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/10/07 |
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To the 7:th he saith That for about 3. or 4. yeares last past the arlate
Joachim Verpoorten hath had and held Correspondencie with the
producent arlate, as being ffactor to and for him, and for the said Lemmermans
Agent and Correspondent the said John Scrother is well knowne and commonly accompted which this deponent well knoweth
by his familiar acquaintance with the said John Scrother And otherwise cannot
To the 8:th hee saith, That it is notorious and publiquely knowne, that the shipp
the black Cocke (John ffransen Haen Master) being in her Course
for Amsterdam with her Cargazon of wines and other goods was mett
withall surprized and taken by some shipp or shipps of this Commonwealth
and brought into England, there being then aboard her (as this deponent
for the reasons aforesaid firmely beleiveth) the 47 butts of sack arlate or thereabouts
for the accompt of the arlate John Scrother the true Proprietor thereof./
And otherwise cannot depose:-/
To the Interrogatoires:-/
To the first negatively:-
To the second hee saith the interrate John Scrother hath dwelt at Saint Lucar
in Spaine for all the time of this deponents knowledge of him videlicet for about 7
yeares last in the Play or Strand of Saint Lucar aforesaid and saith hee is a nNative of
Hamburgh And otherwise he cannot depose./.
To the third he saith hee oftentimessaw the said John Scrother, and was with
him both on land and aboard the shipp the black Cocke during her last being
at Saint Lucars in Spaine, And otherwise cannot depose, save hee did not see the
47. butts of wyne in the said producents Custody or possession before the lading./
To the 9th hee saith hee is a Native of Neere in Luyckland, and hath lived
for the most part of 11. or twelve yeares last at Saint Lucar in Spaine, And otherwise
negatively to every oart thereof:-/
To the 11:th hee saith the said shipp the black Cock by the
realtion of the said John Scrother and John ffransen Haen began her
outwards Voyage from Dantzick, and in this deponents sight came laden to Saint
Lucars with pipestaves and clapboards consigned to the said John Scrother
onely for the accompt of the said Lemmermans./
(To the