HCA 13/68 f.349v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 349 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/18 |
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That he this deponent about the 13th day of May last past of this present moneth
receyved order from the allegat Daniel Thison in a letter brought
to this deponent by his precontest Joris Johnson, to buy for him
the sayd Thison, or assist the sayd Joris Johnson in buying for him a shipp
here in England, and saith that not finding any convenient shipp
here att att this port of London he gave to the said Joris Johnson a letter
of Credit to Mr Michael de Haze of Dover to buy a shipp there
for the sayd Thison; and the sayd Michael de Haze did accordingly
assist the sayd Johnson in that behalfe, and they in the month of January last
or about that tyme did buy of and from Thomas Dawkes of Dover
for 365 li sterling the allegat shipp the Leopard formerly called the
Blackbusse, which had bene a prize shipp and sold by the Subcommissioner
of prize goods att Dover to the foresayd Dawkes as by a bill of
sale which this deponent hath seen did appeare. And the foresayd
Dawkes made a bill of sale of the sayd shipp to Joris Johnson in
consideration of 365 li sterling which moneyes the sayd Michael de Haze
did furnish and pay att Dover to the sayd Dawkes, and drew the same
upon this deponent by bills of exchange here att London together
with 330 li 10 s sterling more furnished there att Dover by the said Michael
de Haze for equipping and setting forth the sayd shipp, being in
the totall 695 li 10 s sterling which moneyes this deponent did really
pay and satisfy according to the bills of the sayd Michael de hare
drawne upon him in that behalfe. And moreover saith that the
foresayd Joris Johnson for the securing of this deponents moneyes
expended for the sayd shipp over and besides such effects as this deponent
had in his hands of the sayd Thison in flax and other grosse wares
to the value of 260 li. 17 s. 4 d. and not upwards, did make a bill of
sale of the sayd shipp to him this deponent. And saith this last bill of
sale notwithstanding being onelly for security of moneyes expended
for the sayd shipp in manner predeposed, the foresayd Daniel Thyson now
and is the sole owner of the sayd shipp now called the Leopard and formerly
the Blackbusse and her tackle and furniture and so accounted, and the
same was really and truly bought and payd for as aforesayd for his sole use
and Accompt. And saith the sayd Daniel Thyson by common repute
is an Inhabitant and Burgher of Ostend and a subiect of the King
of Spaine, and his letters and advises to this deponent being his
Correspondent beare date from Ostend. And otherwise hee cannot
To the Crosse Interrogatories.
To the first Interrogatorie This Rendent saith that he hath interest in the
sayd shipp by vertue of the sayd bill of sale made to him of the same by
the sayd Joris Johnson to the value of 264 li. 12 s. 8 d. over and besides a surety [?XXX]
of wages andvictualls the certaine value whereof he knoweth not
but stands responsible for the same to the sayd Michael de Haze and
otherwise cannot depose.
To the .2. negatively.
To the .3. he saith he knoweth the interrate Daniel Thyson, and so hath done
for theis 20 yeares now past, and saith he is by report a Zealander borne