HCA 13/68 f.347r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.347r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 16th day of November 1653.

Captaine Phillipps against the shipp}
the Hope Thomas Andreison Master.}

Examined upon the foresayd allegation.


Captaine Jan Peterson Gryp of Hamburgh
Mariner aged 44 yeares or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth.

That hee this deponent hath well knowne the allegat shipp the
Hope Thomas Andreison Master for theis 16 or 17 yeares last past
or therabouts, for and during all which tyme he the sayd Thomas
Andreison hath bene and still is master thereof, and the sayd shipp
for and during all the sayd tyme hath and still doth belong to
the Port of Hamburgh, and Hamburghers there dwelling,
whose names are Harman Berens, Abraham Vanderweedon
the heyres of Gerard van Emren, the heyres of Albert Blocke
the heyres of Harry Claeson, the heires of Hans Young, one
Hans Hopp and the foresayd Thomas Andreison, And saith that during
that tyme or any part thereof noe subiect of the King of ffrance or of the
States of the United Provinces had or hath any interest or share therein
but the forenamed persons subiects of the free State of Hamburgh
have had the sole possession and mannagement thereof from tyme
to tyme for and during the sayd tyme of this deponents knowledge
sight and certaine observation, and they have bene reputed the like
Owners thereof with the tackle and furniture thereto belonging
And saith that the sayd shipp about the beginning of this last summer
came as this deponent hath heard from Hamburgh laden with peice goods, and safely arrived
therewith att Roane of this deponents sight; and this deponent further
saith that the sayd Thomas Andreison did upon his arrivall att Roane
and delivery of his outward bound goods there acquaint him this
Examinat that he was to returne with his sayd shipp to Hamburgh
directly with a shipps lading of goods consigned thither for
merchants there dwelling; And this deponent verily beleeveth that
the sayd shipp the Hope was and is accordingly bound directly
to Hamburgh and to noe other port or place whatsoever there to
make a full discharge of her present lading for the accompt of
Hamburghers. And further or otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes.

To the 1 he saith he hath 2 tonnes of vinegar aboard the sayd shipp
the Hope for his owne Account which he hopes will be restored and
otherwise negatively.

To the 2. negatively.

To the 3. he saith he was not present nor saw the firming of the bills of
lading interrate.

To the .4. he saith the lading of the outward voyage were severall sorts
of peice goods, and this Rendent hath heard that the heyres of
Peter and Joos Overbeck of Hamburgh did lade a good quantity of
the sayd goods and further he cannot depose.
