HCA 13/68 f.340v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 340 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/01/29 |
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says Owners have had the sole dispose of the sayd shipp as lawfull Owners
of her and so accounted all which he knoweth being att Hamburgh in
the sayd moneth of June last past when they became so possest of her, and
being hired att Hamburgh in August last to sayle in and upon her this
present voyage, and seeing the sayd shipp so sett out by the sayd Owners att
Hamburgh as aforesayd being Steersman of her and privy to and knowing
of the sayd voyage and designe And otherwise cannot depose.
To the second article of the sayd allegation he saith that the sayd Hendrick Salfeild and
Peter Gabrecht did in the month of August .1653 last past lade aboard
teh sayd shipp the goods now seized in her att the Port of Hamburgh [?that ?is]
to say 27 or 28 sackes of baggs of wooll, which this deponent sawe in the
house and possession of the sayd Peter Habrecht att Hamburgh before
the lading thereof, and eleven lasts of stone Coles to be transported
in the sayd vessell to Cane aforesayd, and there to be delivered to the
factor of the sayd producent by name Augustine Baden hoope who was and
is accounted the sayd producents Agent att Cane, and saith he saw the
sayd Coales before the same were laden in the possession of the producents
a shoare, and saith that the sayd producents were then accounted the Owners
of teh sayd wooll and Coles, and commetted the same to the care of the sayd
Yarrickson, who was att the tyme of the sayd seizure in full and
quiet possession thereof to the use and for and on the behalfe of them the
sayd Owners, and this deponent for his part never heard that any other
person had or hath any manner of Interest in the sayd goods or any of
them but the sayd producents onely. And otherwise he cannot depose
To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd vessell
or shipp in her Course from Hamburgh to Cane was mett withall and
taken about nyne weekes last and on or about the 7th day of
October 1653. by Captaine Dunstan in a private man of warr, and
the sayd shipp being so seized the sayd Yarrickson being commannded
so to doe went aboard the sayd private man of warr and this deponent
saw him take with him two sea breifes under the saele of Hamburgh
and one bill of lading and some other papers, and the sayd Yarrickson
being come aboard teh sayd man of warr delivered the same to the sayd
Dunstan and saith the sayd Certificatts or Seabreifes were sealed
really with the seale of the sayd Citty of Hamburgh and together with
the sayd bill of ladieng and other papers came really or were
really brought from the sayd Citty of Hamburgh and from noe other
place ad the sayd Seabreifes and bills of lading were and are
reall and true and not fraudulent. which he knoweth for the reasons
aforesayd. And doth not know but the sayd other papers were likewise
reall and without fraud and covin. And otherwise cannot depose
ffobbe [MARKE] ffobbes. his marke [MARKE, RH SIDE]
[?sea] him to the Interrogatories
fol, [?XXX]
The 19th day of december .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of Peter de Cock of Gant and}
Baldwin Matthewes English man for seven}
hundred and fifty peices of eight of the}
marke underwritten lately seized in the}
shipp the Saint John Baptist of which John}
de Vos is Master by some of the shipps of}
this Commonwealth Suckley Budd.}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymers
Juan Baptista de La Mott of Cadiz in Spaine
merchant aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
saith as followeth. videlicet.