HCA 13/68 f.329v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.329v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Lawrence with the sayd 1100 salmes of oyles att Petras, but in case the
sayd Lawrence would sayle with his sayd shipp tp Cronee which was
thirty leagues beyond Petras that then he the sayd ffarington his Correspondents
or Agents would there furnish the same or to the like effect, and the
sayd Giles Lawrence thereto replyed that It was contrary to his [?orders] [?and]
agreement, and likewise contrary to his the sayd ffaringtons Agreement [?with]
the sayd Hatton, and that the sayd place or port of Cronee was a [?place]
of exceeding great danger and adventure by reason of [?Pyratts] [?in]
those parts under and in the name of Turkes, and that upon the sayd [?XXXX]
he would not adventure himself and Company with his shipp and [?company]
aforesayd upon so dangerous and hazardous an imployment. And [??moreover]
saith that thereupon the sayd George ffarington finding the sayd Lawrence
to be scupulous and unwilling to proceed to Cronee, did neere [?unto]
Zant aboard the sayd shipp Agreement rising upon the high sea within
the Jurisdiction of this Court Contract and agree to and with the sayd
Giles Lawrence that in Case he would goe and proceed unto Cronee and
there take in the sayd Oyles then and in such case he the sayd George
ffarington would and did accordingly undertake to secure the [?sayd] [?shipp]
the Agreement and her Company in goeing to Cronee aforesayd, and
there taking in her lading of oyles; and allso the sayd shipp, [?Marriners] [?and]
oyles untill their returne back agayne to Zant, and that in case the sayd
shipp and Company pr any part thereof perished or [?XXXXX]
either goeing to Coronee or sayd shipp Company or oyles perished or miscarried in comeing back againe to Zant, that [?XXX]
and in such case he the sayd George ffarington would pay and [?XXXX] [?XXX]
all the sayd dammage thereby arising or to that effect. And did then [?XXXX]
Covenant and undertake that the oyles to be taken in att Coronee should [?be]
as goods as those covenanted to be laden att Petras, or to the selfe same
effect, And saith that upon the sayd Agreement and Contract and [?not]
otherwise the said Giles Lawrence did undertake the sayd voyage [?unto]
Coronee, the premisses this deponent knoweth being Masters mate
of the sayd shipp and present att, and well and perfecttly remembreth
the sayd Agreement made by teh sayd ffarington with the sayd Lawrence
att Zant as aforesayd. And otherwise cannot depose; saving
the sayd Giles Lawrence did upon the receyving of the [?oyles]
aboard att Cronee by order of the sayd ffarington pay into [?Thomas]
dobson partner of the sayd ffarington who made delivery of the sayd
oyles severall summes of moneyes due for the sayd oyles according to
Contract out of the peeces of 8/8 brought in the shipp Agreement
from Naples as aforesayd. this deponent [?seeing] some of the sayd moneyes
and afterwards saw an acquaittance under the hand of the sayd [?XXX]
acknowledging full satisfaction of and for the sayd oyles, which [?were]
att Cronee as is hereafter sett forth.

To the tentha rticle of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that after the foresayd
Contract and Agreemenent for security of the sayd shipp her Company and lading
as aforesayd the sayd Giles Lawrence did depart and sett sayle from Zant [?for]
Coronee and safely arrived there, and after his such arrivall did
on board his sayd shipp Agreement her full lading of oyles
being about one thousand one hundred salmes of oyles, which oyles
laden aboard the saud shipp for the use and Accompt of the sayd [?XXXX]
Hill, John Hallet John Gregory and Company to be brought and
transported in the sayd shipp from Cronee to Zant and so to this [?port]
of London here to be delivered to the sayd Hill Hallet Gregory and
Company, or to their respective Assignees for their use and [?XXX]
And saith that being present att and seeing the sayd oyles [?XXXX]
board the sayd shipp he knoweth the premisses to be true And
otherwise cannot depose