HCA 13/68 f.310r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.310r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the 14th hee saith hee did not see the interrate ffairefaxe his order and
further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose

To the 15th hee saith that divers shipps on the downes which were imbargoed
by the Imbargoe abovesayd Interrogate departed from the Downes before the Endeavour
went from thence, and came up into the River of Thames and others came
thence since the departure of the Recovery and are in the River of Thames
but hee knoweth not nor hath heard or beleeeveth that any of the Shipps
then in the downes stayed there or at Quinborowe or ffeversham Interrate
or any places thereabouts And beleeveth that the sayd Jopp could without
endangering his sayd shipp and her ladeing have remayned in the downes
Quinborowe or ffeversham And further hee cannot depose

To the 16th hee saith it concerneth him not to answere thereto for that hee hath
not deposed to the contents of the article Interrogate/

To the 17th Interrogatory hee saith that hee did see the shipps named in his
foregoeing deposition and divers others whose names hee knoweth not rideing
on the downes at the same tyme when the Endeavour rode there some of
which were there before the Endeavour came thither and at her first comming
thither some of the company of the sayd shipps that were there
before the Endeavour spake and declared in the presence and hearing
of this deponent and others of the Company of the Endeavour that there
was an Imbargoe or oder come into the downes to stay all
Shipps, and others of the sayd shipps came into the downes after
the Endeavour, And to the rest of the Interrogatory hee cannot depose
not seeing or knowing or hearing of any money paid by their ffreighters
nor knowing their ffreighters nor having heard that any of them went since
to Spaine, the Straights or any other place beyond Seas and further saving his
foregoeing depositions hee cannot depose./

To the 18th hee saith hee hath heard that a warrant was procured to [?save]
the mariners of the Shipp the Endeavour from pressing but when the same
was procured or by whome hee knoweth ot nor hath heard but heard
the foresayd William Jopp saye hee had a warrant to that purpose And further
saving his foregooeing depositions hee cannot depose

To the 19th hee saith that hee knoweth not nor remembreth how longe the shipp
Interrate was at deptford before any corne was taken out of her hee not being present
at the takeing thereof and further hee cannot depose./

To the 20th hee cannot depose having heard nothing of the contents thereof./

To the 21th hee cannot depose./

To the last Interrogatory hee saith as before hee hath predeposed that the sayd Jope soe
farr as this deponent observed did doe his utmost endeavour to have performed the
voyage in question, and therefore this deponent knoweth not nor beleeveth that the Interrate
ffairefax was any waie damnified by any neglect of the sayd Jope and
to the rest of the contents of the sayd Interrogatory hee saith hee knoweth not nor hath heard
any thing of the contents thereof./

William harris [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Clarke and
doctor Godolphin./