HCA 13/68 f.309r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.309r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


have discharged the foresayd Cases of sylver for the accompt and use
aforesaid. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the first he saith he was master of the said shipp and aboard her when she was
seized, and tooke first Charge of her att Hamburgh where he first came
aboard her and hath bene Master of her for these six yeares now past

To the second he saith he hath knowne the sayd Claymers by some severall yeares
and otherwise saving his foregoing depositions cannot depose

To the third he saith the sayd sylver was received aboard by this Rendent in the day
tyme being then laden by Thomas Manuel de Herrera of Sevill who laded 6
cases, and a part John Salldias of Cadiz who laded 2 Cases both of them being Spaniards

To the 4th he saith he cannot depose otherwise than as aforesayd

To the 5th and 6th he saith that he caused an entry of .6. of the sayd cases of sylver to be
entred in his booke as marked with the armes of the King of Spaine, and farther referring
himselfe to the sayd bills of lading, and sayd booke which is in the Registry of
this Court he cannot depose. and saving that he entred 2 other of the sayd Chests
in the sayd booke with the marke aforesayd and name of the consignatary agreeable to the bill of lading [#]

[?XXX] that he is sure
[?XX[ sayd Chests or cases
[?XX] by the sayd John
[?XX] and the other
[?XX] Cashier of the
[?sayd] [?Thomas Manuel] de Herrera
[?XXX] of his Master
Michael V. Lubkin [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

To the .7/ negatively for his part

To the 8. 9. 10. 11. and 12th negatively.

To the 13th he saith he was borne att Hamburgh and there hath his habitation
and otherwise negatively.

To the 14th hee saith the sayd shipp began her outwards voyage from Hamborough
with her lading of peice goods wax, cloth and other things in all 300 tones
all taken in att Hamburgh and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 15th. negatively.

To the 16th. he saith he cannot depose.

To the 17th. he saith he cannot depose

To the .18. he saith he was not present att nor saw the buying of the sayd sylver. and otherwise
cannot depose.

To the .19th. he saith the sayd sylver was all laden under Command of the forts of
Cadiz and there was twos license or dispatches for the same one from the port of
Sevill the other from Cadiz which were left with this Rendent and were aboard the sayd shipp att
the tyme of her seizure and and came into the power of the seizers. and further
cannot depose.

To the 20 and 21th. he sayeth he knoweth well that It is a common and
usuall thing to transport sylver and moneyes out of Spaine to
other parts, and otherwise not knowinge the lawes of Spaine he saith
he cannot depose.

[?Xell] Van Lubkan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 17th day of december .1653. Examined upon the
sayd allegation

The Claime of John Stephen Spinola}
for his sylver in the Morning star}


Michael Van Lubkin of Hamburgh Mariner Captaine and Commander
of the sayd shipp the Morning Starr aged 30 yeares or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth videlicet.

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith That the sayd John Stephen
Spinola by common repute is a Spaniard and a subiect of the King of Spaine
using to trade betwixt Spaine and fflanders for sylver and other goods
having his Correspondents in the sayd respective places for the manageing of the
sayd trade. and otherwise cannot depose.

To the 3. 4. 5. and 6th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that in the month of January
1653. new stile there were laden aboard the sayd shipp the Morning Starr att Cadiz 2 barrs of
sylver wrapped in linnen marked as in the margent for the Accompt of the
sayd John Stephen Spinola to be transported to Dunkerke and there to be delivered
to his Assignes for his use. which sylver this deponent receyved aboard the