HCA 13/68 f.279r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.279r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 4th of October 1653./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Abraham Smith against a certayne Shipp}
called the John and Mary of London}
whereof John Langley was and is Master}
and against the sayd John Langley John}
and others owners of the sayd shipp}
Clements Smith}

Examined upon the Libell in this cause./


Thomas Wright of the parish of Stepney Barber
Chirurgion of the sayd Shipp the John and Mary
aged twenty nyne yeares or thereabouts a
witnesse sworne and examined deposeth
as followeth

To the first and second articles of the libelll hee saith that during all the tyme arlate the
arlate John Elliott Mr Thorowgood Mr Mordant and one Mr [?Rice] were
comonly reputed to be the true and lawfull owners of the shipp the John and
Mary arlate, And he hath heard that the arlate John Langley was during
all the sayd tyme and is owner of a sixteenth parte of the sayd shipp And
this hee knoweth being Chirurgion of the shipp for the voyage arlate


To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the arlate John Langley hath divers
tymes in this deponents presence acknowledged and confessed that hee was
by agreement with the sayd Smith to give him over and above his wages
mentioned in the schedule arlate two Negroes to be delivered him at the