HCA 13/68 f.271v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.271v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories./

To the first Interrogatorie hee sayeth That he cometh to testify in this cause
beinge required thereunto by the merchants concerned in this cause and in [?XX]
of his interest and proprietie in and to the goods predeposed and sayeth that he ethis rendent
is owner of halfe the Shipp the greate Christopher exceptinge one twoe and thirtieth
part and otherwise negatively wishing right prevayle in this and all other causes

To the 2: Interrogatorie he answereth That the forementionedJohn Falzbergh
hath one sixteenth part Phillipp Reetcliffe hath one eigh parte Anthony [?Hauto] hathone
eight part Nartin Necker and the Wydowe [?Tunnenender] have an eight part [?Dederick]
Masso hath a twoe and thirty parte and Harman Becker hath a sixteenth part of
the said Shipp which he knoweth for that hee this rendent did sell the said Shipp
and received the proportionable shares for the same from all the parties [?afore]
mentioned the said Hanncan Becker excepted who as yett hath not payed his
share for some part of his part thereof And further cannot answeare.



14th Novembris 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]


Edward Lewies of London merchant aged 52 yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse produced and examyned in this Cause deposeth as
followeth videlicet