HCA 13/68 f.251v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.251v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and reall and really and truly firmed by him this deponent
for the goods therein respectively mentioned, upon or about [?X]
dayes of the respectvie dates thereof and before the sayd shipp
sett sayle from Bilboa. And saith that noe Dutchmen subiects
of the States of the united Provinces nor ffrenchmen subiects
of the ffrench King had or have any right tithe or interest
in the sayd goods or any part thereof. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the 1. he saith he is master of the sayd shipp and was aboard her att the tyme of her seizure
and came first into her att Bilboa in September last past

To the .2. he saith he hath knowne the sayd shipp from September last and saith [?the]
same owners in this deponents presence bought the sayd shipp of and from the
foresayd dirick Peterson. and further referring himselfe to his foregoing
depositions he cannot depose.

To the .3. he saith he saw the sayd Owners pay the foresayd moneyes as aforesayd
to the sayd derrick Peterson att Bilboa, and thereby knoweth they are the
lawfull owners thereof, but their severall shares therein att present he
remembreth not, saving this Rendents interest therein is proportional to [?500] [?XXX] of [?XXX]

To the .4. he saith he saw possession of the sayd shipp att Bilboa in September or October
1653 given by the sayd Peterson to the sayd John Baptista Mendista for and
on behalfe of himselfe and the rest of the Owners whose names are
don diego de [?Axravais]. domingo de calna. Pedro del Guero. and
him this Rendent, with out any other sharers or partners which he
knoweth being Master and partowner of the sayd shipp.

To the .5 he saith the sayd shipp came from Bilbo whither she now belongs, and was and is bound
for Ostend, being seized in her course thither, and knoweth not to which
port she did belong before she was bought att Bilboa as aforesayd and
otherwise cannot depose.

To the 6. he saith he hath above mentioned all the Owners of the sayd shipp
who are as he saith all Spaniards and have lived with their families
for theis ten yeares in Spaine and for so long have bene knowne to and
by this Rendent who with the sayd Guiro was borne and inhabiteth att Porta Galeta
and the others att Bilboa, And otherwise cannot depose

To the .7. he saith the foresayd Owners have not any property in the goods
laden aboard the sayd shipp, nor are any of the sayd goods laden for
their accompt

To the .8th. he saith he saw the foresayd Owners att Bilboa whilest the sayd
shipp remained there. and the foresayd John Baptista Mendieta did lade
aboard the sayd shipp severall quantities of woolls, but otherwise than by the
bills of lading cannot set forth how much. and the sayd Thomas da
Santa Columba and Martin da Lano and others all Spaniards but
their names or parcells laden remembreth not, did lade severall
quantityes of wooll and iron aboard the sayd shipp, for the certainty
whereof in the particulars he referreth himselfe to his sayd bills of lading and
otherwise cannot depose saving that he saw the sayd woolls laden [?XX]
John Baptista Mendieta in his warehouses att Bilbo before the sayd [?XXX]
were laden, as also the greatest part of the sayd Iron and wooll in the [?shopps]
and warehouses of the other Laders not remembring their [?XXX]
names and severall parcells otherwise than as aforesayd.

To the .9th. negatively to every part thereof

To the .10.th he saith this present voyage with the foresayd goods is the first
voyage that the sayd shipp hath made since she hath been